"You know I really thought I would be just Mom and a Wife for the rest of my life as I got into them at an early age, but because of all of you, I get to live my life as a girl which she does at her age." She said smiling at the space.

"Yeah! My best friend is really awesome as I can see." I said typing the password to close it.

"Even my Sister is awesome as I can see." She said when we walked back into the room.

"Let's just help them a little and then watch some movie at home itself. You guys will go back to yours after this weekend right." I said, smiling at her and opened the door only to groan.

"I think we shouldn't waste the tickets." She mumbled, looking at both Rohan and Karthik still playing with the paint and that too sitting on my favorite couch.

"Let's just go." I said and turned back to leave while they both looked at us and immediately stopped it.

"Will the kids be ok?" She asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! They will take care of their Dad's." I replied, jumping down and we both walked towards my car and went to the movie.

"I enjoyed the movie so much." She said still in a daze as we just saw our favorite star movie.

"Yeah! I think it is good that we went there by ourselves because you know they both don't like our star." I said, smiling at her and got us both inside the washroom from the passage and walked outside the room after locking it.

"Look's like they did the whole work." She mumbled, looking around to see the clean room except for the couch.

"Yeah!" I said, and she walked inside the other guest room beside this room while I climbed upstairs to freshen up before eating something.

Nevertheless, before going to our room, I walked inside the Abhi's room to see that he is sleeping peacefully. I kissed on his head before closing the door slowly and walked inside ours.

"How was the movie?" I heard him asking, and I turned to see him sitting on the bed with a pizza box.

"Amazing!" I replied not at all shocked that he got to know it as he still knows wherever I go because of that bodyguard whom he is not removing no matter how many times I ask him to give the reason that with lots of money now, we have to be safe as there will be lots of dangers out there.

"Have some dinner then." He said passing me the box.

"So, how was the bonding time with karthik?" I asked him eating a slice.

"It felt good beating him with that cloth." He replied, smiling and I chuckled hearing his answer.

"I am sure he has the exact same opinion. But why do you guys don't get along unless there are problems going on or some hospital issues?" I asked him frowning.

"It's just the way we are. And we will be like this forever." He replied, shrugging and I rolled my eyes.

"So, finally got over your scare and jumped outside from the window? Like you did with the ocean." He asked when I laid my head over his chest.

"Yeah! How do you know that?" I asked him frowning.

"After all these years, do you still need to ask me that? I know you, Satvi." He replied holding me.

"You know Leela should be cautious with Harsha. That kid is a menace." He added, making me chuckle.

"Even ours will be the same. Looks like he looks up to his brother." I said, remembering the whole finger on the lip's scene.

"You know what?" He suddenly asked, turning me around so that he can see my face.

"What?" I asked him smiling.

"You just ditched me on our date." He replied, and I gave him an amazing shock look.

"Oh my god! How can I do that to you?" I asked him shaking my head.

"Yeah! So now there is going to be some payback." He replied smirking.

"Uhmm... like?" I asked him frowning.

"Like what do you think about late morning?" He asked huskily.

"I think it will be perfect." I replied in the same tone.

"I think so too." He said crashing his lips making me chuckle in our kiss.

"I love you!" I mumbled, staring at him.

"You know every day I am falling in love, again and again." He said tracing his fingers across my cheek.

"I am also falling in love, again." I said, hugging him with a big smile on my face.

"You both need to stop with that paint right now." We heard the shout which belongs to Leela.

"Not again!" I mumbled groaning thinking about the furniture in the guest room.

"I know a solution. We will make Karthik to clean the whole room tomorrow alone, and we all can go to somewhere along with Leela and Harsha and also your Dad while he will be here alone." Rohan said smirking at me, and I laughed before drifting off into sleep in his arms.  


i actually didnt want to write the epilogue thinking i may ruin the whole story if i write anything but then after i decided to write it i didnt know what to write... if i write the regular like a baby being born then it would not have made this story diff than others of mine which this was until now... so i was so worried as i really didnt have any kind of idea... but then these moments just struck me and i wrote it... and now i am glad that i actually wrote a epilogue... so i really hope u guys too think the same...

i just want to show that these all are a bunch of crazy people with crazy love and a crazy way of showing it who will never change no matter how old they are or not even the time that passes....

So how is the epilogue and the whole story??

Dont forget to comment and vote :)

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