The attack

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(A/N for all of you that keep begging for me to update, this is for you. I barely ever have time to even pick up my computer, so im sorry that ive been less active recently, ive been going threw alot and i just want to make it up to you guys. im sorry) 

~~Carl's POV~~

  I walk alone, I walk alone because i miss her... after the incident... Y/N was i have no reason, my whole world is crumbling down around me. 

    i walk threw the dark, shaded woods, my hands clutched tight around me pistol. All the thoughts began to circle around in my head.

Rick blames you for her death carl


Yes, it was your responsibility to protect her AND YOU FAILED, SHES DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!

I snap out of it  i here rustling in the trees. I look up with a wide, insane smile, i stop dead in my tracks, my body slightly moving as i stumble around, i step lazily toward the tree, i grab the walker by its neck. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!!! I HATE YOU! I HATE ALL OF YOU!! I scream at it, although i know it will get me nowhere, im losing my mind, i begin clutching the walkers head, i push it onto the ground and climb ontop of it, i grab its head and with all anger and rage built up inside me, i rip its head off, tearing it to shreds and stomping on it. i stand up and stumble back to a tree, resting my back on it. Looking down at my gun i smile, slowly i put the pistol into my mouth, cocking it... and pulling the trigger. Then my whole world went black.....

I wake up, screaming. I realize it was all just a bad dream. i feel the beads of sweat drip down my face, and the tears leaking out of my eyes. my hair is a mess and my eyes have dark bags under them. As i sit there, alone in my room, crying, i hear footsteps, and Y/N appear in the doorway. I look up at her with wide eyes, i run to her and hold her tight "I thought you were dead.." I cry out. I was happy now. to k she was alive.

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