Randomness dwells

937 41 14

~~Y/N's POV~~

I wake up and look at my hand only to realize the ring wasn't there. "Awww was it just a dream?" I get up and walk into the hall to realize the freezer room wasn't there. "it was just a dream...aw" I sigh and look down to my beat up shoes. "Hey, morning." I turn around to see Carl batting the crust from his eyes. "Why are you up so early?" He asks me. "I didn't realize that it was early." I smile at him and he giggles, walking closer to me. He grabs my hand, dragging me into our room and shutting the door. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me close, kissing me softly on the lips. He pulls away and giggles "I love you Y/N." I kiss his nose. "I love you too Carl!" I pull him into a tight embrace and we stand there for a bit. After around a minute I let him go, if I hadn't than we would have stood there forever. "You want some crackers from the kitchen? I'm gonna go get some coffee." He thought for a bit and then nodded so I set off to the kitchen.

~~Carl's POV~~

I sat there on the bed, waiting for Y/N to come back so I decided to look around a bit. I lifted our pillow to find a notebook titled "My Dream Journal." I opened it to the last page that was written on. It said "Today I dreamed that Carl made an ice sculpture of me and him and that he asked me to marry him, it was awesome, I thought it was real but woke up to find that it wasn't. oh well." My eyes widened as I put the notebook back under our pillow, at that moment Y/N walked in with a box of crackers under her arm and I cup of coffee in her hand, I feel bad that we had to cut off her arm... but at least she made it out alive. She puts down her coffee on the nightstand and then hands me the crackers, I open the box and start nomming on them. She grabs her coffee and starts sipping it. "So what do you wanna do?" I ask, she looks at me confused. "I don't know what do you wanna do?" I think and then I realize that today is scavenge day. "We could go on the supply run with everyone." Her eyes widen and she smiles. "Great idea!" And so we started getting ready.

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