Where are we now?

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~~Y/N POV~~

I sit alone in the woods, feeling the slight tug of my skin as the dry tears crack, pistol in my hand,  looking down at the pacing walkers from where i sit, perched in a tree where they can't get me. i feel a sense of loneliness, wishing i could just go home. So i put my gun away and make my way down the tree, this being a difficult task with only one arm. On the ground now i pull my pocket knife, running home and killing every walker that stand in my way. 

I begin to wonder why i ever even came here, then i remember Carl and it makes everything better. I pick up my speed till i make it home and run home, jumping into carls arms as soon as i see him and not letting go for a second, he laughs, running his fingers threw my hair, making me feel like the world was okay and everything was perfect. He sets me down and blush sets onto my cheeks, he leans over and kissed them. 

We run up the stairs to our room and sit down on the cold yet comfortable floor. Carl picks up a graphic novel and hands it to me. "Its from a series called Scott Pilgrim, not many people know about it but i like it a lot.." he said, chuckling and scratching the back of his neck anxiously. I only laugh and open the book, spending the next couple of hours reading with Carl. Live is i guess... boring in the apocalypse. 

~~Rick's POV~~

i peak my head into Y/N and Carl's room, smirking and jumping out, screaming to scare them, they both jump and draw their weapons, i laugh hard "i totally got you guys!!" i shout, putting my hands on my knees and laughing hard, Carl frowns spitefully " Dad what the fuck?" he says, irritated, i shake my head at his teen angst and leave them alone, running around trying to find Michonne.

~~Carl's POV~~

A few moments after my dad comes in a loud noise almost like a gun shot is heard, and i know it can't be good.

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