love comes in many ways

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~~Carl's POV~~

I stretch out and wrap my arms around Y/N "Good morning" she says to me, yawning. "Morning hunny" i say back to her, running my fingers threw her beautiful H/C hair, she blushed as i said hunny, guess it was a bit unexpected. "Get up, its time to go get breakfest." She silently says to me i nod and we sit up and stretch out, i grab my hat and Y/N grabs her backpack. "Race yah" i say as we playfully run down the hallway, we laugh and she trips on the stairs. "Woah, are you okay Y/N?" I say still giggling she gets up and reassures me that shes fine, then we run down the stairs hand in hand, i dont mind that she only has one hand, why should i? once we finally get down the stairs we get some cereal, i place down her bowl and then mine, quietly we munch down the breakfest and she washes out her bowl when i finish mine she washes my dish out as well, "So what now?" She asks me "I dont know, what do you want to do?" I say back. "Lets go play hide and seek!" She said juming up and down exitedly. I giggled at her cute outburst "Sure, lets go" I smile and she grabs my hand, we start to run outside and she stops "We have to hide outside, no going inside and when hiding or seeking look out for walkers and keep your gun close." She then pulls us both fully outside. "Okay" I go and put my face against the camp walls "I'll count!" I add she giggles and i here rustling, once she is hidden she says "OKAY READY!!" and i turn to face the world. I look around to see where she could be hiding "Hmmm where could you be." I look over to a large silver storage box, i chuckle and walk towards it thinking "She's gotta be on or around that thing." Once i reached the box i climbed up ontop of it to see Y/N giggling and looking at me "Looks like you've caught me, heheheheh" She jumps off the box and i follow her down, i fall onto the grass and laugh she falls back onto the grass next to me and joins my outburst of laughter, what fun this was. 

~~Y/N's POV~~

"I can't believe you found me that fast" I say to Carl as he snickers "Well I'm a smart guy." He says back, lightly brushing his hand against mine "I love you" We say in unison than we burst out laughing again, we hear moaning from a few feet away and we shoot up, the laughing stopping instantly. "Stay down I got it" He says to me as he stands up swiftly, he pulls out his gun and walks toward the walker. "You got it?" I say back to him "Yeah i got it." He replies shooting the walker in the head. He turns around and smiles at me, walker blood splatters on his cheek. "You've got a little something on your face." I say, walking over to him and lightly rubbing off the blood with my thumb. "Oh, thanks, heh" He chuckles a bit and he brings my face close, kissing me lightly on the cheek "I love you Y/N" I smile and reply with "I love you too Carl." After that we get up and he holds my hand as we walk back to the camp, he trips over a stub, bringing me with him. "WOAH!" We yell as i collapse onto him "Sorry!" I say, blushing wildly and getting up off of him, grabbing his hand to bring him up too "Don't worry it's fine." He finally replies after what seemed like forever but in reality must have only been a few seconds. Once we are both back up we get to the camp and to our room, we both sit on the bed and i nrest my head on his shoulder "Carl, I'm bored" I say to him "Yeah me too" He whispers back we both groan and deside that its about time for a nap, we lay down our head on the pillow, pull up the blanket and fall silently asleep.

Save Our Skins (carl grimes x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu