Out On A Run

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~~Y/N's POV~~

It's finnally the day, i get to go on a scavenge with Carl and the rest of the group. Im so nervous i can feel my heart beating almost out of my chest. "Here, take this youll need it." Carl kindly says, handing me a gun "keep this with you at all times. It'll keep you safe when im not around." I look at his. confused "Are you sure? i mean this is your gun, i wouldnt want to take it from you. just like that" I say, handing him back the gun. "No, please take it, i want you to have it. i have another one you know." he says, pushing my hand away. I hesitantly put the gun in my pocket. As i walk inside to grab my bag, Daryl stops me "Look, you have to be careful, okay kid? we dont want you to get hurt, it would break Carls heart all over again. That kid has gone threw way to much for him to have to lose another person he loves." I slowly step back, i can hear the gravel under the soles of my worn out shoes as i turn around, finally able to go inside and grab me and Carls bags and Daryl's crossbow. I grab everything me need, giving Daryl his weapon, Carl his bag and Rick his sandwich. I throw my bag over my shoulder and we set off. "Thanks for binging me along Carl" I say as Rick loudly munches on his sandwich. "heh, no problem, you wanted to go so why not let you?" He says, grabing my hand as we walk behind everyone else. "Is that the place?" i say, pointing to a small town with unfittingly large houses. "Yup, this is the place." Carls says, smiling as we both run to the little town. "this is gonna be awesome!" i say, looking around.

~~Rick's POV~~

"man that sandwich was AWESOME!" oh how i love the sovory taste of a good sandwich. as i finish the last bit of sandwich, Carl and Y/N run past me, going ahead of the group. "Be careful, CORRALLLL!!" i yell, hoping to get an answer, but there was none. Y/N and Carl are already at the town. Around five slow minutes later we all arrive in the area and we splt into groups. "Carl Y/N and Daryl your one group. Maggie Glenn and I will be another Michonne, you stay out here and make sure no walkers come our way" Once everyones in groups we go into the houses.'

~~Carls POV~~

As me Y/N and Daryl enter the house Y/N looks around, she finds a family photo and she smiles, such a beautiful smile it was, she walks over to me, outting the photo back where she had found it. "Follow me" she says, pulling my arm, walking upstairs. "y'all be quick! we need all we can get!" Daryl yells from downstairs. "Where are you taking me?" i say, giggling as she pulls me into a bedroom. "Right here." she says "is where i used to have sleepovers with my friends, this was my friend Sarahs house. Shes was my best friend before all this shit happened" she says, looking into my eyes, i can see the sadness building up in her eyes. i wish i could help so i quickly think of something. I press my lips against hers. She blushes as i put my arms around her waist. Ibreak the kiss only to say "I love you Y/N" Her eyes widen as i move from her and grab some clothes. "I'll go get some of her brothers clothes, i bet they would fit you perfectly." she says, running off into the other room.

~~Y/N's POV~~

As i leave the room i start freaking out " OMG HE KISSED ME!! he loves me!!" i jump up and down, exitedly. As i walk to the boys room i push open the door swiftly, not thinking as a walker jumps out at me. The walker pushes me and i fall onto my back. "CARL!! HELP!!!" i scream as the walker pummles down on me. I can hear Carl running down the hallway to me as i try to fight off the walker. "DONT WORRY EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE OKAY!!" Carls says, grabbing his gun and BOOM the walker was dead. I crawl out from under the walker, resting against the railling in the hall. Carls kneals down to me as i heavily breath. "Y/N you gotta be more careful, okay" Carl says, helping me up off the ground, "okay, sorry Carl.." i whisper, going into the boys room and grabbing all the cloths that would appeal to Carl.

~~Daryl's POV~~ ]

As i look threw the cabinets I find an 112 ounce can of pudding. "oo pudding" i whisper. I hear Carl running rapidly down the stairs and to the kitchen, glaring at me. "did you just say you found some pudding?" Carl says, walking creepily to me. "give it here Daryl, i want that pudding." i sigh and grab it, handing it to the creepy kid that stand infront of me, drooling as i lay it in his hands. "GIMME 2 SPOONS!" Carl yells, holding out a hand as i place 2 large metal spoons into his hand. "Geez kid calm down its just pudding." i say as he walks back up the stairs with the spoons and pudding.

~~Carl's POV~~

As I slowly walk up the stairs, I caress the smooth lid of the pudding, oh how I love pudding, soon I will share this amazing pudding with the girl of my dreams. Y/N giggles "What was that??" I look at her, reaching the top of the stairs. "Oh, Daryl had some pudding and I wanted it. I wanna share it with you, follow me." I say, grabbing her hand and bringing her up to the roof. We sit there on the roof, I try to open the can of pudding with my knife. I stab and stab at the top of the can. Finally! Its open. I dog the two spoons into the soft chocolate pudding. "Try some." I say, she grabs the spoon, lifting it from the can, as she puts the spoon into her mouth her eyes light up. "Woah! This is great!!" She says, licking her lips. "Well I'm glad you like it" I say, putting some pudding into my mouth as my eyes widen "wait, it this your first time trying pudding?" She blushes, removing the spoon from her mouth. "Yeah. It is." I look at her, my jaw drops. "What a shame." I put the can of amazing chocolate pudding into her lap. "eat more" she digs her spoon into the pudding once again, pullin out a spoonful. I giggle, placing my hat softly onto her head. "cute." I say as she eats the pudding. Once the can is empty I throw it down, off the top of the roof. "OWWW!!!!" my eyes widen, shooting down from the roof. once I realize what happened I laugh. I had dropped the can onto Daryl's fat head. "HAHAHAHA!!!" I laugh as we climb down from the room. We finally leave from the scavenge. "Well, I guess all's well that end's well" I say as we arrive back to the camp. "yeah." Y/N says as we lay down on my bed. I kiss her forehead as we fall asleep. what a beautiful day.

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