Running away from my destiny

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~~Carl's Dream~~

I run down the hallways, hundreds of walkers chancing after me, I franticly run up the stairs, screaming for dear life, I was out of bullets and my knife was no where to be found, there were too many of them for me to fight off, the stairs slowed them down I was able to run into me and Y/N's room. There laying on the bed was my princess, Y/N being devoured, her inside oozing out of her lifeless body, blood pooling on the floor, getting closer to my feet. I screamed. Walkers came at me from all directions, I gave up, they started ripping off my flesh and tearing out my chest, from there everything was blurry and the last thing I saw was the walkers tearing out my guts, then it all went black, that was as far as all survivors lived.

~~Carl's POV~~

I quickly shoot out of the bed, screaming and I see Y/N Sitting on the edge of the bed, she shot around, looked at me worried and hugged onto me with her arm. "Carl are you okay?" She asked, I nod, she felt my head move up and down on her shoulder. "It was just a nightmare." I say after an awkward silence.  She smiles and kisses my cheek, breaking the hug. "I love you Carl, never forget that." She whispers to me, running her thumb across my cheek, the rest of her hand under my chin. I smile. "Well I love you too Y/N." I giggle and lean in, kissing her forehead and running my fingers threw her hair. I get up and put on my hat, damn I love this hat, but I love Y/N more. I pulled her up and we walked to the kitchen and out of the camp, holding hands, we raced through the woods, giggling and the world just seemed to slow down as we looked over into each others eyes, I saw nothing but joy in those beautiful E/C eyes. From that moment on I knew we would be together forever.

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