Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

Urgh... I am sick again. With a really high fever and a sore throat. Why do I get sick this often? What will happen to me on tour? Yeah, so anyways, I am currently dying on the couch. I'm freezing and shaking even though it is nearly 85 degrees outside. I have my blanket and my pillow with me, and my siblings are constantly checking up on me. I have the most caring family ever. They're so sweet. Lisa and Dani were both chilling in the living room with me, and they were watching Pitch Perfect again. Yes, again. They have already seen that movie at least eighty times. I am not even exaggerating, they really love that movie. While they were enjoying themselves with popcorn and movies, I decided to log on my twitter account. Haven't been on it for like a week. I scrolled through my mentions and smiled at each one of the tweets. The Cimfams are so sweet. I love them so much. They're hilarious, too! I replied to some of them and retweeted a couple of funny ones when one of those tweets caught my attention. It was from Dani.

"@DaniCim: #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim... we miss it @LaurenCimorelli". She tweeted that yesterday, on Christina's and my birthday. I kept scrolling down and found a lot of tweets with that hashtag.

"@KathCim: Happy bday to @LaurenCimorelli and @ChristinaCIM! And Lauren, bring that smile of your back.. #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim"

"@AmyCim: #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim COME ON GUYS TREND IT! We miss your cute innocent smirks Lolo... @LaurenCimorelli"

"@LisaCim: @LaurenCimorelli, you didn't smile a real one in such a long time... #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim..."

"@ChristinaCIM: Honestly, the best gift someone could give me right now is bringing @LaurenCimorelli's REAL smiles back #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim"

Wow... each one of my sisters tweeted that. They really missed them... I kept reading my mentions and another one caught my eye. 

"@Cimorellithe_baand: Hey @LaurenCimorelli! We trended #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim earlier! Please smile again, we're begging you #CimFam" the tweet said. A picture was attached to it. I clicked on the link and gasped. It was a screenshot of the worldwide trends. #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim was the top trend. It was the freaking top trend! It was on top of everything else! Oh my God, I'm freaking out right now!

"@LaurenCimorelli: Okay, I'm a little late, but thank you all for trending #BringYourSmileBackLaurenCim yesterday! Good news, they are back!" I tweeted. My iPod blew up with mentions and favorites and other stuffs soon after. Wow, they're quick... I chuckled softly and closed my iPod. Gosh, I am really tired... I pulled my covers up, got comfortable, and closed my eyes for a little while. Oh... it feels so good to just rest my eyes. I feel so relaxed right now. I yawned and reopened my eyes. I nearly jumped because of what I was seeing. Lisa and Dani were both staring at me, their faces like right in front of mine.

"Oh my gosh!" I whispered/yelled. I couldn't scream because my throat was on fire. They both giggled a little bit and Lisa put her hand on my forehead.

"Still burning hot. I'm gonna take your temperature and give you some medications, alright?" Lisa told me. I nodded and sat up, Dani helping me. I opened my mouth and Lisa put the thermometer under my tongue. After a few seconds, we heard a ding, and Lisa pulled it out of my mouth.

"102.5 degrees, Lauren." Lisa said, glancing worriedly at me. Yup, still ridiculously high. Dani gave me an advil and a glass of water. I swallowed the pill and drank some water before I laid back down. Weird, I don't feel so tired anymore.

"Are you sleepy, Sugar?" my little sister questioned me, deeply concerned.

"Nope, just a little tired." I answered back, shaking my head. Spice gave me a warm smile and at that moment, Katherine came in from the kitchen.

"Hey Lauren, do you want some tea?" my older sister asked me as she walked in my direction. Oh... tea does sound really good right now.

"Oh, yes please!" I replied back, a happy tone in my voice. Katherine giggled and playfully rubbed my arm before she went back to the kitchen. In case you didn't know, Katherine is an amazing cook, seriously.

"Oh, guys, thanks for that Bring That Smile Back Lauren Cim trend. I really appreciate it." I thanked Lisa and Dani, smiling warmly at both of my sisters. Yes, a real smile. The fake ones are all gone now.

"Awwn... no problem Lolo." Lisa said as she sat down and stroke my hair. Dani came to me and hugged me. Lisa soon wrapped her arms around us.

"I see that your smile's back." Dani commented, chuckling.

"Yup, and it's never going to disappear ever again. " I replied back, hugging my two fatso weenies tightly. Oh my gosh, I love my sisters so much!

"Oh! Group hug!" I heard Amy and Christina scream at the same time as they both walked down the stairs. My two older sisters then ran to us and joined in our hug. Aww... the sisterly love.

"Wait, why are we hugging?" Christina asked all of us.

"Because I love you guys!" I answered back, hugging all of them tightly.

"Lauren, you are too cute." Amy told me, as my sisters started to pull away, one by one. I looked down at my hands and blushed.

"Awwn, look at her! She's blushing!" Lisa yelled loudly, pinching my pink cheeks. I laughed and playfully slapped her hand so that she stops pinching me. I heard my other sisters laugh while Lisa faked a hurt expression and gasp. She managed to stay all serious for not even five seconds before she burst out laughing.

"You guys are such weenies!" I commented, a grin on my lips.

"You're a fatso!" Dani fired back, giggling at the same time.

"But you're fatter!" I replied back, making everybody laugh. My sisters and I were all chatting about all and about nothing when Katherine walked in, with a cup of hot, warm tea in her hands. It smelled really good too. It smelled like honey.

"Here's your tea!" Katherine said, giving me the cup.

"Thank you, Kath! Love you!" I answered back, smiling. I took a sip and my tastebuds were in heaven. Dear Lord, it tasted amazing! The sweetness of the honey really made it better!

"Kath, this is awesome!" I commented as I practically finished the whole cup in like two sips.

"Thank you, Lolo!" Katherine answered back.  She took the empty cup from my hands and kissed the top of my head. I put my head back on my pillow and sighed.

"Lauren, you should get some rest." Christina told me, stroking my hair.

"Yeah, you look really tired." Katherine added.

"I do? But I don't feel tired at all." I answered back, confused.

"You have bags under your eyes." Amy replied, concerned.

"Okay, we'll leave you alone so that you can rest peacefully. Goodnight, Lauren." Christina said as she walked out of the living room and closing the lights, with all of the other girls behind her. I closed my eyes and smiled. I love my life. Everything's finally falling into place...

Author's note: Well, this is the last chapter :( I had a really fun time writing this story, and I really hope that you all loved it. I am really proud of this one. Thank you all so much for your patience in between updates and thanks for your amazing support and comments. I really appreciate that. It might take a little while for me to get the SEQUEL up, since I am working on another story with a completely different storyline. Will you guys read that one? I think it will be called "We're Prisoners Locked Up". Anyways, the sequel should be up by the end of June. Once again, thanks for reading :)

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