Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

Her voice. Her passion. Her smile. Her emotions. She's.. just so perfect. Lauren Cimorelli, the fourteen year old girl that I'm in love with. She's very special, and she seems to be different from all of those other girls I've ever had a crush on. Lauren is a very good-hearted girl, very smart, and has a really nice personnality. She would never love a player like me. She doesn't like boys who curse, she doesn't like tattoos. How am I ever going to have a chance with her? Plus, I'm like 4 years older than her! I bet her sisters won't even agree with our Relationship. Her mother and brothers will probably hate that idea.

"Harry, you okay lad?" Louis asked me, nicely. We both always had that kind of bromance. He's just like the older brother I never had.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, don't worry about it." I answered back, snapping out of my thoughts. We were currently at a pretty ordinary restaurant in Malibu. The girls and their brothers had invited us to get some pretty good food. It was kind of cheap, though, but it was the best fast food I've ever tasted. The lads and I were all dressed fancy, with a suit and a tie and all, because we had no idea where we were going to be eating. The Cimorellis, on the other hand, dressed up casually. All of the girls were very beautiful, but Lauren stood out the most. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, a black and blue top, and a varsity jacket. She wasn't wearing any makeup on, and her natural beauty just takes my breath away. When the Cimorellis walked in the restaurant, Lisa was pushing Lauren's wheelchair. They came in with large smiles on their faces. Lauren's smile stood out the most. When she looked at me, when our eyes met, I could have sworn that I was in heaven. She smiled at me and I just stupidly waved at her. I saw her eyes lit up and she whispered something something in her younger sister's ear. Dani then gave me a look and just chuckled. When came the time to order, Lauren wanted some pasta and I copied her. I was seated right in front of her. She would occasionally kick my legs with her foot. She would then give me a smile that just brightens up your whole world. I would notice sometimes that Lisa, Michael, Alex, and Christina were all sending us glares, but we jut ignored them and kept joking around.

"Harry, we need to talk." Lisa suddenly said as I was playfully kicking Lauren's leg under the table. I stood up and gave Lauren a questioning look. She just shrugged and looked at Lisa as I followed her sister out of the building. Once we were out, Lisa pulled me into a hallway and sighed, causing me to tense up.

"Harry, be completely honest with me. Do you like Lauren?" Lisa asked me, looking intensely into my deep green eyes.

"I do. I love her." I sincerely told her. She raised an eyebrow at me and at that moment, Christina, Michael, and Alex walked out and joined us.

"What did he say?" Alex asked his older sibling, his arms crossed.

"He says he loves her, in a very genuine tone." Lisa answered back, smiling slightly at me. I gave her a small grin as the others glared at me.

"How much do you love her?" Michael questioned me, in an intimidating tone.

"I love her to the farthest universe and back." I replied back, smiling at the thought of how Lauren made me feel complete.

"How does she make you feel?" Christina asked me, dead serious.

"She makes my insides tingle. She makes my heart pound. I know we just met and all, but I know that she's the one for me. I know that she's my little muffin bear. She completes me." I told her, in a genuine voice.

"Harry, we all know that you have that reputation with girls. We all know that you're a player. How are we supposed to know for sure that you are not going to break her heart?" Lisa asked me, just as serious as the others. Oh God, a lot of hard-hitting questions. They care so much about their siblings! That's just so sweet.

"It's going to be different this time, I promise." I said. The four Cimorelli kids exchanged looks and the oldest nodded. Ok, this must be a really good sign. Michael then looked at me and grabbed my forearm and pulled me closer to him and the others.

"Look Harry, you really do seem to mean everything you've said. I can see it in your eyes that you really do love little Lauren a lot. We're giving you the permission to ask her out." Michael told me. I swear, at that moment, my heart just burst out of joy. I couldn't be happier than that. This is one of the best days of my pretty eventful life!

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" I told them, tears of joy threatening to fall from my big eyes. They each gave me a warm smile before Michael's face became serious again.

"But, you break her heart or hurt her in any way possible and I will kill you." Michael threatened, cracking his knuckles.

"Michael, stop. That's too harsh." Lisa and Alex told their older brother.

"Fine. If you break her heart or hurt her in any way, I will hurt YOU. Understood?" Michael told me, in a very serious tone of voice.

"I won't. I will never hurt her." I replied back, kind of scared now.

"Good. Now, let's go back in. They must be wondering what's going on right now." Christina said. We all agreed and followed Christina back in the fast food. When we walked in, I saw Lauren and Amy playing something on Niall's phone while the guys were trying to take their phones back from Katherine and Dani. Lauren looked up and her face instantly lit up as soon as she saw me. Her happy expression then became a worried and confused one. Is she worried about me? I saw Lisa walk past me and to Lauren's direction and she whispered something in Lauren's ear. Once she was done, I saw Lauren's frown turn upside down and a wild smile appeared on her face. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. I knelt down on one knee and I saw Lauren raising an eyebrow.

"Lauren Christine Cimorelli, will you give me the honor of being my beautiful and flawless girlfriend?" I asked her, pulling out a rose from my jacket. She stared at me for a while, in pure shock.

"Yes. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend!" Lauren said, squeezing my sweaty hand and giving me one of her beautiful smiles.

"Thank you so much! I love you to death!" I shouted out loud, hugging my now very amazing girlfriend tightly. She giggled and I kissed her cheek. I heard the lads and all of Lauren's older siblings aw at my action. Lauren's younger siblings made a gagging sound and chuckled at us. They're so cute.

"Well guys, we gotta go now. It's been nice meeting you boys. We'll see you guy soon enough." Mike said. The Cimorellis stood up and I gave Lauren a goodbye kiss on her forehead. The girls hugged us goodbye and her brothers gave all of us a friendly handshake. The boys and I then got in Liam's car and we drove off to our hotel.

Once we got there, I went in my room and got on my twitter account. I was tweeting out some nice things about the Cimorelli family and clues about the tour when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said into my cellphone.

"Harry, come to the hospital now. The girls' car got hit by a truck and all of them are hurt and injured!" Alex told me.

"For real? We'll be there as soon as possible!" I answered back, trying to stay calm. I ran into all of the other boys' suites and told them what happened to my beautiful girlfriend and her sisters and soon enough, we were on our way to the hospital. I really hope they're going to be okay...


Author's note: There you go! The chapter that you've all been waiting for! I'm really sorry for taking FOREVER to update. This is the first time I've done a boy's point of view and I have to say, I'm actually really proud of myself. I will definitely do pretty much all of the boys in the story's point if views, even Christian's, Nick's, and Joey's! Haha, anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this! I will really try to update in the next 3 days!

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