Chapter 11

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Lisa's POV

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Christina spat out, losing her calm and composure.

"I... I need to talk to Lauren." he answered, struggling to get the words out.

"Oh no you're not." I fired back, flinching when he pronounced my precious baby sister's name. He is not going to hurt her again.

"You are not going anywhere near Lauren." Amy added, crossing her arms.

"Look, can I come in?" he asked us, pracitcally begging.

"Heck no! You're not welcomed here!" Dani said, angrily.

"I just want to talk! To make things right!" Ryan said, his eyes tearing up. I looked back at my sisters and they were all probably considering giving the kid a chance to speak. I heard Christina sigh and the rest of them were still uncertain to give him a chance. I looked back at Ryan and he was patiently waiting for an answer. I somehow saw in his eyes a look of vengeance and lots of other bad things. Oh oh, this CANNOT be good.

"So girls? Can he come in and talk?" I finally asked my sisters. I saw the two younger ones shrug and Christina just kinda rolled her eyes.

"You have five minutes, Ryan." Katherine said sternly, a deadly look in her brown orbs.

"That's all!?" Ryan asked us, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Would you prefer nothing at all?!" Christina fired back, almost instantly. I saw Ryan put his hands up in defeat and he walked in. I angrily slammed the door shut to show my discontentment and I immediately regretted it. I forgot that Lauren was asleep and sick, upstairs. Ryan sat down on the most comfortable sofa and I swear, I wanted to punch him really hard. That was my seat, my chair! I gave him an angry look and I swear to God that I saw him smirk a little. That little punk, I will beat his little brain up. I then felt someone pull me back and dragged me in the corner of the kitchen. I looked at the person and it was Christina.

"Lisa, call Mike and tell him that he needs to come home now. Tell him that Ryan Stupid Beatty is in our living room at this very moment, alright?" Christina told me, handing me her phone.

"Sure. And I already have my phone." I said, pushing her hand away and pulling my cellphone out of my back pocket.

"Alright, I'll go keep an eye on Ryan." she said, before walking away. I nodded and dialed Mike's number. I heard it ring and after about six rings, he finally picked it up.

"Lisa? What's going on?" Mike asked me, in a panicked tone.

"You and the boys need to come home, now." I answered calmly.

"Why? Something happened to one the girls? Is Lauren alright?" he questionned me.

"Lauren is asleep in our room. She's sick, but she's gonna be alright pretty soon. And Ryan Beatty is in our house right now." I replied back, anger in my voice when I said the teenage boy's name.

"WHAT!? We're coming home right away!" he said before hanging up. I walked in the living room and saw all four of my sisters yelling at Ryan. He, surprisingly, fought back. Ha, I liked it better when he was scared to talk to us. I rolled my eyes and went to the center of the room. I clapped my hands really loudly to catch everyone's attentions and they all looked at me.

"What the heck is going on?" I asked all of them, furiously.

'That jerk over there said that he's still in love with Lauren and he denies that he ever cheated on her!" Dani answered to me. I clutch my fists and I felt my blood boiling up. I then ran to Ryan and angrily grabbed his collar. I was ready to beat the crap out of him. He dares to lie to us, that IDIOT.

"You never cheated on Lauren, huh?" I asked him, about to blow up.

"I swear, I would never do such a thing!" he answered back, yelling. The next thing I know, my fist punched his jaw. He let out a yell of pain and I punched him again to make him shut up.

"You freaking idiot! I saw you kissing that girl from my own eyes. Christina did, Katherine did, Amy did, and Dani did too. And you know what's worst? LAUREN SAW IT FROM HER OWN EYES TOO!" I yelled, furious and annoyed. I then let go of him and he fell on the floor, not even trying yo stand up for himself. I then turned around and looked at Amy and Dani. They both had a small smile on their lips. They love seeing their big sister beat a guy up, huh? Well, this is what happens when you mess with a Cimorelli. Ryan's lucky, though. It could have been worst if Mike and Alex were here. Speaking of which, where are they? Anyways, back to business.

"Amy, Dani, do you want to know something?" I asked my younger sisters.

"Yes, we do." Amy answered for the both of them.

"Ryan over here was the drunk driver who crashed into our parents' car, like eight months ago." I told them, sending Ryan nasty glares. Their eyes were then filled with hatred, anger, and rage.

"So.... he's the reason why dad is gone?" Dani asked me, her voice calm and low. I nodded as she walked towards Ryan, who was still sitting on the floor, his eyes glued to the ground. She was followed by Amy, who had a pretty blank expression on her face. That means that she is ready to brutally murder somebody. Ryan is in great danger. They were both about to kick Ryan's guts when Lauren walked down the stairs, yawning and coughing a little bit.

"Would you keep it down? Someone over here-" Lauren started to say, shutting up as soon as she saw her ex-boyfriend. She stopped moving and just stood there, in shock.

"R...Ryan?" she finally said, anger and hurt in her cracking and hoarse voice. Oh oh, this is not going to end well....

Author's note: So here you go! Just like I promised! Really hoped you enjoyed this one! Next chapter should be up by Friday, so stay tuned for that!

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