Chapter 3

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Lisa's POV

"Do you guys want to go on tour?" my younger sister asked the rest of the band. There was a little moment of silence before all of them shrieked their answer. I swear, it was so loud, the boys practically ran out of the dining room as fast as they could. It was so hilarious.

"WE WANT TO GO ON TOUR!!" Amy yelled. Wow, that girl has way too much air in her lungs. I wonder if she can ever stay quiet.

"That's great! What do you think about this, mom?" Christina asked our mother, who was silently picking at fruits with her fork. She looked up at us and gave us a sad look. What's going on?

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked her, getting worried.

"We can't go on tour?" Dani added sadly, a frown on her face.

"Of course you can." mom replied, giving Dani a weak smile.

"Then what's wrong?" Dani said, looking much more happier.

"If you go, I stay here." mom answered, looking down at her fruit salad. Everybody stopped moving as soon as she said that. She doesn't want to come and travel the world with us? I don't get it, we were going to invite the boys to come with us too, but mom would rather stay home alone instead of supporting us in our biggest moments?

"What? Why?" Lauren asked quietly, her voice hoarse and cracking. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was clearly upset that our mom wouldn't be coming with us if we ever went on tour.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'm not ready for it yet. I want to stay here, with your father's spirit. If I left with you girls, there's a chance that he might disappear forever." mom explained. What the heck did she just say?

"DON'T YOU THINK WE MISS DAD TOO?!" Lauren snapped back, tears in her bloodshot eyes.

"Of course you do, honey..." mom started, taken aback from Lauren's sudden explosion.


"Calm down, Laur." Katherine said, touching Lauren's shoulder.

"Leave me alone." Lauren replied dryly, moving away and avoiding Katherine's touch. She then gave our mother a pretty mean glare and walked away, probably going up to our room. I looked around tje dining room and everybody was so shocked and quiet. This is the first time we have seen Lauren do that big of an outburst. I looked over at mom and she seemed ashamed about something. She then got up, walked over to the phone, picked it up, and dialed a number. She put the combiner on her ear and waited for the person to answer. I looked back at my sisters and they were just as confused as I was. Who the heck could she be calling after a fight with one of her kids?

"Hello, Sarah? It's Lynne." mom started. What the heck? Why is she calling our manager? This whole thing is getting more and more weird.

"I want you to prepare an international tour for my girls, right now. I want them to have the best time of their lives with the best opening acts you can find. Hire the best security guards, the best medical team, the best hair and makeup team, the best EVERYTHING. Got it?" mom ordered Sarah, before hanging up. She then turned around, gave us a smirk, and went up to her huge bedroom. My sisters and I exchanged weird glances.

"What just happened?" Christina asked us, raising one of her eyebrows up.

"I don't know." I answered, taking a bite out of my apple.

"Where's Lauren?" Dani asked, changing the subject.

"I'm gonna go have a talk with her." I said, walking away from my sisters. I went up the stairs, got in my bedroom, and saw my younger sister replying to some fans on twitter, on our computer. I sat down on the edge of my bed and just stared at her. She took her eyes off the screen and looked at me, not saying any word.

"What's going on with you?" I finally asked her, breaking the intense silence. I saw her roll her eyes as she ignored my question.

"Don't give me that attitude." I said angrily, getting really impatient.

"Fine. It's mom. She would rather stay here alone with her precious spririt instead of supporting us." Lauren replied coldly, putting air quoted up when she said "precious spirit".

"Lauren, you know how much mom misses dad. He was her first true love, and that lasted forever. It was love at first sight." I explained to my baby sister.

"But doesn't she know that we miss him too? He's our father, you know?" Lauren fired back, her voice cracking in the middle of her sentence.

"Trust me, Lauren, she knows." I answered nicely. I understand why Lauren has that annoying, mean, and nasty attitude. I see Lauren's anger disappear and she looked down at her hands. She seemed guilty and upset. She let out a shaky breath and stayed quiet for a good while. I got up from my bed and knelt down in front of her. I put her hands in mine and looked at her directly in her big deep brown eyes. I inhaled and exhaled and started to sing.

"You gave me wings, and taught me to fly

When I was out there, on my own" I started singing, alone. Lauren looked up at me and when our eyes met, I gave her a warm smile. She responded back with a small smirk and took one long deep breath.

"You gave me wings, and brought me to life

And now I need to know

If you wanna fly, cause I wanna fly, yeah

Tell me you're down, for touching the sky, yeah

You and me, me and you, the higher the better

When we fly, we fly together, together, together

Together, together

When we fly, we fly together..." we both sang together. Wow, we sounded gooood. Lauren's voice has improved so much in six months, and she barely even sang in those times. I really don't know how she got that voice, she is one very special growing infant. I'm so proud of her. I then heard some clapping behind us. We both turned around and saw our mother clapping, a proud smile on her face. Lauren got up and rushed to our mother and gave her a tight and loving hug.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier. I was just upset that you wouldn't be coming with us if we were going on tour." Lauren apologized genuinely.

"It's okay, baby girl. I understand why." mom replied, giving Laur a warm smile. She then looked up at me and smiled at me. I walked over to them and joined in their long, loving, bone-crushing hug.

"I love you girls so much!" mom told us, giving us a playful smirk.

"We love you too!" Lauren answered, her voice filled with joy. Suddenly, we heard the phone ring. We let go of our mom and she went to go pick it up. I was opening my computer when I noticed that Lauren was staring confusiedly at me.

"What?" I asked her, getting concerned. Lauren NEVER stares at people.

"I heard mom talk on the phone with someone earlier. Who was she talking with?" she asked me. Ah man! I don't know what to say! Should I tell her about the tour that mom was planning for us or should I keep it a secret?

"I don't know, maybe a family friend." I lied. She nodded and left the room, leaving me all alone with my laptop open.

Author's note: Heyy everybody! What did you think of this chapter?? I would have updated this weekend but I had to go to some people's birthday parties! Next chapter might be a little eventful, so 2 or more comments if you want me to update!! See ya later :D

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