Chapter 2

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Christina's POV

"So, what did you think about that?" Lauren asked me, curiously.

"Where... where did you get that voice?" I asked, surprised and shocked.

"I don't know, it just came out naturally." she chuckled, a smile appearing on her face.

"So much power, so much passion, so much emotion... you even developped perfect pitch. I am so proud of you!" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face.

"Your voice is amazing, Lauren." I heard someone say behind us. I turned around and saw Lisa standing in the doorway, with a sparkle in her eyes. A very proud smile. by the way.

"You guys really think so?" she asked us, a look of disbelief in her eyes.

"Oh, we know so!" we both replied at the same time.

"I think we should call the management and ask them to try to prepare an American tour for us." Lisa added, looking at our little sister.

"Really? Oh my Gosh, please do that!" Lauren exclaimed, jumping happily around the room.

"Is that okay with you?" Lisa asked me, in a hopeful tone.

"Of course! But we should talk about this to the other girls and mom too. AND they have to hear Lauren sing." I practically yelled.

"Tonight, at suppertime, we'll tell them about the tour and then have Lauren sing her part in Stronger. Okay with both of you?" Lisa asked Lauren and I.

"No problem!" We both replied, a smirk on our faces.

"Alrighty, then! Let's go downstairs, now!" Lisa announced.

"Wait, what time is it?" Lauren asked right before Lisa got out of the room.

"It's dinnertime!" Lisa sang in a very high voice.

"What a weenie...." I heard Lauren mumbe as Lisa walked away. I started to crack up and Lauren was just staring at me, a creeped out expression on her face.

"Umm... let's go now." Lauren said quietly, still creeped out because of me.

"I'll catch up!" I managed to say in between laughs. She nodded and just left, leaving me alone in my bedroom. Once I had finally regained my composure, I walked downstairs and found everybody sitting around our brand new round table. I took a seat in between Katherine and Joey and waited for our food to get set on the table. Minutes later, our mother came along and put three long trays full of delicious and mouth-watering tacos in front of our faces.

"OHEMGEE!! MY FAVORITES!!! THANKS MOM!!!!" Amy shouted as she grabbed on to two tacos. She then quickly let go of them and pulled her hand away, whimpering in pain.

"THEY ARE BURNING HOT!!!" Amy yelled, crying in pain.

"Well, they just came out of the oven, so I guess that's pretty normal. Thanks for the warning, though." Dani said, making the whole family laugh. Well, except for Amy.

"Let me see your hand, honey." mom told Amy as my sister opened the palm of her hand. It was a little red, but it didn't look too bad. Mom checked her hand out and looked at Amy.

"It isn't severely burned, but I suggest you go rinse your hand with cold water." mom said. Amy nodded, got up, and slowly went to the bathroom. She came out a couple of minutes later, sat down, and took a taco. We were all enjoying dinner when Lisa suddenly stood up, catching everyone else's attentions. She looked at me and winked. I nodded at her and looked at Lauren. She smiled at me as she stood up and went to be next to Lisa. It was my turn to get up and I went to stand up close to my two younger siblings.

"We have something to ask you guys." I started, putting my hands on Lauren's and Lisa's shoulders. The whole family looked at us and waited for the announcement. Lisa and I looked at each other and shared a smile.

"Someone here has a song to sing." I added as Lauren quickly turned around and glared at me. I gave her a reassuring nod and I could feel her relax a little bit. Lauren took a deep breath, smiled at our other siblings, and opened her mouth.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill you makes a figther

Footsteps even lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over, cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself, and I

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone"    Lauren sang in the same powerful tone like she did earlier, only this time, she held a very impressive and amazing note at the end of her part. I looked at Lauren with wide eyes, and then at Lisa. She was just as shocked as me. Lauren's voice was even better than the last time she sang, which was nearly 45 minutes ago. I then took a look at the rest of the family's faces and their faces were absolutely priceless.

"Lauren...that was..." Katherine started, at loss of words.

"Amazing." Amy completed for her, a proud smile on her lips.

"Absolutely breathtaking." Dani added, giving Lauren two thumbs up and a wide smile. I then looked at our mother and she seriously had tears in her eyes. And then, one by one, starting with our mom, they each stood up and gave Lauren a standing ovation. Lauren gave them one of her best smiles and looked back at us.

"Good job, Lauren!" I mouthed.

"Thank you!" Lauren replied, in a loud whisper. Lisa then gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I am so proud of you, Lauren." Lisa stated, tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, Lisa. That means a lot to me." Lauren said.

"And now, we have a suggestion to do, concerning the band." I announced.

"What is it?" they all asked at the same time. I looked at Lauren and Lisa and they each gave me a smile.

"Lauren, how about you say it." I told my birthday twin. She gave me a very warm smile and looked back at our family.

"Do you guys want to go on tour?" Lauren asked the girls.

Author's note: I'm so happyy!! This story is doing pretty well so far, and that makes me happy! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think the girls will say? The answer is actually pretty obvious, but anyways...

2 comments or more if y'all want the next chapter!! 'Til next time!!

(And yeah, I might update this pretty quickly, so stay tuned!)

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