Chapter 25

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Lauren's POV

This is officially one of the worst days ever. I got involved in a car accident minutes after I got asked out by one of the most adored guys on this planet, and then we broke up. Well, I broke up with him, but still, he left me. We just got together, and now it's already over. Right now, everyone's back in the room, even Big Nick and the little guys. They all tried to cheer me up, and honestly, they're doing a really good job. Christian made me laugh when he purposely failed a magic trick. Little Nick and Joey were just being their adorable selves. Lisa, Amy, and Dani cracked me up with their cheesy but freaking hilarious jokes. Michael and Alex performed a little dance show for me, and it was seriously the funniest thing ever. Christina, Big Nick, and Katherine harmonized together. Nick sounded really, really good. His nice deep and raspy voice harmonized well with Christina's and Katherine's voice.

"Thanks for cheering me up, guys." I said, giving the biggest smile I could give. The guys nodded and smirked while the girls giggled and smiled. Alex sat down on the edge of my hospital bed and grabbed my hand.

"Are you okay, Laur? I swear, I will fly to London, find him, and beat the crap out of him." Alex asked me, with his big, protective brother voice.

"Why would you do that?" I questioned him, giggling a little. I'm confused, though.

"Because he broke your heart. Because he broke up with you." my brother told me.

"Alex, I broke up with him." I said, as I realized that he actually meant it. He actually meant it when he said that he was gonna find Harry and beat him up.

"But he's the one who left you all alone." Alex replied back, frowning a bit.

"I'll let you know if I want you to beat him up. But just so you know, I don't think that'll ever happen." I answered back, a grin forming on the corner of my lips. My big brother nodded and squeezed my fingers before he got up. I really enjoy those little heart to heart moments that Alex and I have. They're always so special. They're so... I don't know...... unique. They just make me feel like I can tell Alex anything, and not regret it. I wish that the guys I met and might have a little crush on were a little bit more like Alex. Someone who cares, listens, someone who makes me feel safe. I need someone who makes me feel like I can tell him anything. In other words, I want a guy like Alex. With the same personality. I don't care about the looks, I just want a guy who is similar to my big brother.

"Anybody has a piano track or an instrumental of a song like Skyscraper on their phone?" Dani suddenly asked, completely changing the subject. I swear, that girl is the most random person I know. Christina, Kath, and Lisa all checked for a song on their cellphones. I am quite surprised that Lisa's wasn't broken.

"I have Warrior by Demi Lovato." Katherine told us.

"I have Skyscraper." Christina said.

"And I have You Set Me Free by Angie Miller." Lisa added.

"Angie Miller? Who's that?" my little sister asked Lisa.

"She was a finalist on American Idol." Lisa answered back, smiling at Dani.

"Oh yeah, I know her! She's really good." I commented. She was honestly the best of the season. I thought that she should have won. I mean, she has the whole package. I am a huge fan of Angie Miller. That girl is gonna go far in the music industry.

"I've never heard You Set Me Free before." Dani said.

"You want to listen to it?" Lisa asked the youngest girl of the family

"Yes! Press play!" my younger sister answered back. Lisa pressed play, and the next thing I know, I found myself singing along with Angie's voice. As soon as the song was finished and as soon as I hit that last note, everyone started to clap. Even the doctor was there.

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