Chapter 23

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********************There's a little bit of cursing in this chapter, sorry!**********************************

Lauren's POV

"Ryan?!" all of my sisters yelled at the same time, obviously in pure shock. Ouch, my head is hurting... But what is Ryan still doing alive?

"Ryan, what are you doing here? What are you doing still breathing?" Lisa asked my ex-boyfriend, glaring angrily at him. Ryan just darkly chuckled and his eyes then went on me. I quickly tensed up and started to get nervous. Lisa noticed the tension that built up Inside of me and squeezed my hand, trying to comfort me and to calm me down. That didn't really work, because I knew that she was just as freaked as I was.

"Hey Lauren. Missed me?" Ryan asked me. He sounded, I don't know, drunk. Something in his voice was just wrong. I think that he smelled like alcohol, because the odor in this room became really unpleasant when he walked in. I saw all of my siblings that were in the room give me a worried look and I just swallowed the little bit of saliva that was left in my mouth. I clutch my unbroken hand and stared at Ryan.

"Ryan, you are supposed to be dead." Amy said, a furious and confused tone in her usually sweet voice. Ryan rolled his eyes and glared at Amy.

"Well, I'm not. I'm standing here, right Darling?" Ryan told Amy. Okay, he is drunk. If not, then he is definitely not sober. Ryan never talks like that.

"But you shot yourself right through your chest!" Katherine said, almost yelling. Ryan gave my older sister a puzzled look, but then burst out laughing.

"You poor idiot! I would never shoot myself! What are you guys talking about?!" Ryan spat out, in between laughs. What's the matter with him?

"But Michael said that you shot yourself right after you shot Lauren! You commited suicide!" Dani said, anger and disgust in her deep voice.

"Hold up, I have never even thought about killing myself. I didn't even feel bad about shooting Lauren. Why would I ever want to die? Michael is the one who shot me! He grabbed the gun from my hands, aimed at me, and pulled the fucking trigger!" Ryan yelled, causing me to flinch. Seriously, my head is killing me, right now. Stupid concussion... But did Ryan just say that Mike was the one who shot him? This can't be true. Michael would never do that to anybody, no matter how much he hates the person. I know my brother, he's not the type of person to be walking around killing people. I just don't want to believe that Mike did this.

"Shut up, Ryan. Michael isn't like that." Christina said, harshly, defending our older brother.

"But guess what, he did do it. He really did shoot me. Believe me!" Ryan fired back, raising his voice. I looked at Michael and his fists were clutched, he was breathing heavily, and he had a furious look on his face. Ooooh, my big brother is about to beat the crap out of Ryan...

"Wait a minute, I remember that Lauren was still conscious when we arrived in the room. Maybe she saw what happened." Katherine said as the others were trying to calm Michael down.

"Lauren, do you remember what happened?" Lisa asked me, turning around to face me. She had a soft and calm look in her eyes. Oh man, what am I going to say!? I really do not remember anything. Oh wait, yes I do! Alright, gotta tell them the truth.

"Ryan is lying, Michael didn't do anything wrong." I answered back, glaring angrily at Ryan freaking Beatty. He dared put the blame on my innocent older sibling? He dared to mess with the Cimorelli family? Well, he's going to get what he deserves.

"Call the police." I whispered quietly enough so that only Lisa could hear me. She nodded and wheeled her way out of the room. She didn't leave without giving a look at Ryan.

"Where is she going?" Ryan questioned me, walking in my direction.

"None of your business. And get away from me." I answered back, avoiding to make any eye contact with him.

"Tell me where she's going, you slut!" Ryan screamed at me. Ouch, that hurts.

"Ryan! You heard her. Get away from her." I heard a deep and manly voice say. He had a British accent, and his voice was really familiar to me. I looked at the doorway to see who was talking and I saw my favorite guy in the entire world. The guy who healed the wound in my heart. The guy with the most amazing voice ever. My boyfriend, Harry Styles.

"Who the hell are you?!" Ryan asked him, furiously. Well, by the tone of his voice, I guess he already knows the answer.

"I'm Harry Styles, Lauren's boyfriend." my love answered back, winking at me and blowing me a kiss. I gave him a weak smile. I managed to get a glimpse of Ryan's face and boy, he sure looked happy. Note the sarcasm over here, guys.

"So... you guys are a couple, huh?" Ryan finally said, calmly.

"Yes, we are. Now, I suggest you leave Lauren and her family alone, or else." Harry told Ryan, in a threatening way. He's so protective. So cute.

"Or else what?" Ryan challenged Harry, a little smirk on his lips.

"Things are not going to be pretty for you." Harry simply said, looking at Ryan.

"Oh okay." my ex quietly mumbled, looking at the ground in defeat.

"Now leave." my beautiful boyfriend ordered, pointing at the door.

"Sure, but not before I do this." Ryan replied back. What? The next thing I know, Ryan is already by my side. He then pulled on my cast and managed to get it out. He then grabbed my fractured hand, put it on the side of my bed and, with his boot, stepped on it. He stomped it really hard. Of course, I started to cry and to scream.

"Ryan! GET THE FUCK OUT!!" Harry yelled at my ex. Harry then charged a punch at Ryan and hit him on the face. Ryan didn't even fight back. He just gave me an evil grin and left the room. But, to his surprise, two policemen were waiting for him outside of the room.

"What the?" I heard Ryan say. He then tried to run past them, but the cops were faster than him and they pinned Ryan to the wall. One of them held Ryan as the other one handcuffed him. The one who handcuffed Ryan then led him outside, to the police car. The other one walked in and gave us a weak smile.

"Don't worry guys, he will no longer be bothering you guys for a really long time. He's going to stay in jail for about 20 years or more, so you can all just relax." the cop told us.

"Thank you for your help, officer." I said in a shaky breath.

"I saw what happened, is your hand okay?" the policeman asked me, deeply concerned. I shook my head and cried even harder.

"Lolo, the doctor's coming to do a couple of X-Rays for your hand soon. You should maybe rest a little until then." Harry told me, kissing the top of my head.

"Gosh, you're burning hot!" he added, putting his hand on my forehead.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Lisa asked me, putting her hand on my knee.

" hurts so much..." I answered back, in between sobs. Suddenly the pain just became absolutely unbearable. Suddenly, my whole world went black.

Author's note: CHAPTER 23!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 200+ COMMENTS AND 200+ VOTES!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH <33 Once again, so sorry for the cursing! Hope you all enjoyed this one! :))

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