Chapter 22

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Lisa's POV

"Do you think it was Ryan?" Christina asked me, soon after we heard our older brother scream at someone. I just looked at her and shrugged. I refuse to believe that the jerk that broke Lauren's heart, shot her, and who killed our father is still alive. He shot himself right through his heart! I even saw the bullet hole on his chest! He can't survive that! Nobody can...

"I don't want to believe that he's still alive." I quietly answered back.

"Trust me, Lisa, I don't want to believe it either." Christina told me, sighing. At that moment, I saw Dr. James pull away the curtains and he walked towards us as the nurses smiled at us and left the room.

"Well girls, I think we found out what has been the cause of Lauren's cries of pain." the doctor told my older sister and I. In case you're wondering, the others are sound asleep.

"What is it?" I heard Dani question him. Oh well, guess she just woke up.

"She had a reaction to the painkillers, and her fever and concussion really worsened the pain. We gave her other médications and she should be fine now." Dr. James replied to us, smiling weakly at us.

"Can I go see her?" I asked him, in a hopeful tone.

"Sure, I'll set you down on a wheelchair and push you to her. By the way, where are your brothers?" the doctor said.

"The younger boys went to go get some ice cream with my boyfriend and the two others are out in the halls." Christina answered back, not mentionning the fact that Michael has been screaming at a guy in the hallway. The doctor gave us a look and helped get on a wheelchair. He then pushed me by Lauren's side, gave me a smile, and got out of the room. I looked at my baby sister and kind of just broke into tears. Her face was so pale, her hand was so cold, but she was breathing and alive. Her eyes were shut close and an oxygen mask was put over her nose and mouth. I looked over at her heart monitor and just smiled, knowing that her heart was actually beating and that it was not flatlined. I grabbed her cold and shaky hand and kissed her pale forehead.

"Your cries scared me, baby Laur. Thank you for fighting the pain and for staying with us." I told her, keeping my voice low, even though she couldn't even hear me. Wait, maybe she could. Oh well.

"I love you, Lauren. You've always been the strongest child of the family. You fought that strange disease, you survived a gunshot, you survived a broken heart. Please be strong again one more time." I softly whispered in her ear. I could feel my eyes water again.

"Please, just one more time." I added, my voice cracking. I don't really know why I'm bawling my eyes out when I know that Lauren is going to be alright. She's going back home tomorrow, with all of us, unless the doctor says otherwise. I saw her finger move and the expression on her face changed  a little bit. She then slowly opened her eyes and yawned. Oh dear God, she's so freaking cute. Lauren then looked at me and when our eyes met, she gave me a warm smile. I swear to God, when she smiled, she literally gained all her color back.

"Hi there, Lauren. Slept well?" I sweetly asked her, squeezing her hand.

"Oh yeah, I did. I feel amazing." Lauren answered back, resting her head on the pillow. She then looked around and gave me a confused look.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked her, in a motherly tone.

"Where are the others?" Lolo Bean asked me, confused.

"They're over there, behind me. Well, the guys are actually outside, but the girls are all behind me." I answered back, smirking.

"Dani. How's Dani?" Lauren questioned me. My heart kinda melted right there. Their sister bond is beyond adorable. I want a bond like that with all of my sisters, especially with Lauren and Dani. I love them all so much, but Laur and Dani are my mini-mes. Lauren is the mini-introverted, shy side of me while Dani is the extroverted and crazy side.

"She's completely fine Laur, don't worry." I told her, in a reassuring voice.

"Am I going back home tomorrow?" she asked me in a sweet and innocent little voice. Lauren is such a cutie pie, like, seriously.

"Of course you are!" I told her, pinching her cheeks with my good arm. Lauren giggled a bit before her face grew serious again.

"Harry. Where's Harry?" she quietly asked me, sadness growing in her eyes.

"He's not here. I don't know where he is, no one does. I'm really sorry, Lauren." I said, giving her a sad look. Tears formed in her eyes and she just looked away. She must really be hurt.

"Lauren, I'm sure he has a good reason." I told my baby sister, trying to cheer her up and to bring a smile back on her face. I don't even know if what I'm saying is true. Maybe we shouldn't have given Harry the permission to ask Lauren out. Now, he's just breaking her already fragile heart. Maybe he lied to us about loving Lauren.

"He's just like every other guy I've ever met in my life." Lauren told me, her voice filled with anger, sadness, and betrayal.

"What do you mean?" I asked my younger sister, uncertain about what she just said. Really, what did she mean by that?

"They've all used me." she answered back, tears now flooding out of her big brown orbs. My heart just broke when I saw her face. I gave her a warm and loving hug.

"It's not true, Laur. Not every guy will use you. You will find a boy that will truly love you." I said, stroking her long brown hair.

"Says who?" she asked me, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Lauren, you're a beautiful human being. I am almost a hundred percent sure that you will not die alone." I told my younger sister, chuckling a little bit at my own comment. Yes, I'm that desperate.

"Oh shut up." Lauren said, playfully punching my arm with her not fractured hand. I stuck my tongue out at her and she smiled.

"Are you tired, Laur?" I heard Christina ask our little sibling. Lauren shook her head and then looked down at her cast.

"When can I take this off?" she asked us, pointing at her blue cast.

"In like.... six or seven weeks." I answered back.

"Dang it." I heard Lauren mutter under her breath, but it was loud enough for us to hear. Her comment made Christina and I burst into laughter.

"Did I say that out loud?" our younger sister asked us.

"Yes. Yes, you did." Christina said, a huge grin creeping on her lips.

"Oh well." Lauren simply said. Christina, Lauren, and I were all chatting about the randomest of things when Michael and Alex both came in, a frown and angry looks on their faces. The doctor also came in behind them.

"Lauren, you have a visitor." the doctor told our baby sister. We all looked up and Lauren had the biggest smile on her face. She must have thought it was Harry. Honestly, I thought it was him as well, but boy was I wrong. Lauren's smile quickly disappeared from her scarred face and was replaced by a furious look. Standing in the doorway of the room was Ryan Beatty.

Author's note: CHAPTER 22!!! Haha, kinda short-ish, but at least I updated! Really hope you guys enjoyed this! What do you think is going to happen next? You just gotta stay tuned to find out :P I might or might not update this weekend, so.. yup.

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