Chapter 24

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Dani's POV

"Wake up, sweetie. Please." Harry told my older sister for the billionth time. It has now been an hour since Lauren has passed out because of... Ryan. Urgh, even just his name makes me want to puke. I hate him so much! He killed our dad, nearly killed Lauren twice, blamed Michael for a horrible thing that he didn't even do, and crashed into our car, almost killing all six of us girls! Yes, he's the reason why we're all in this crappy hospital. That imbecile doesn't seem to understand that drinking while driving is against the law and insanely dangerous. Good thing he's going to be in jail for thirty years...

"Jeez, Dani, she is a really stubborn girl." Harry told me as he turned around to face me, causing me to laugh a little. Everybody else was not in the room. They all went to the food court. They better bring me some gummy worms or something, I'm getting really hungry.

"Well, she does have a concussion." I replied back,

smiling weakly at him.

"Well, Dan, I'm going to go pee, be right back!" Lauren's boyfriend told me as he waved at me and rushed out of the room. I just laughed because he ran out of here really fast. I then looked at Lauren's bed and sighed. There she was, her body lying motionlessly on the bed, her eyes closed. A bright, new blue and yellow cast was on her broken hand. Luckily, Ryan didn't damage her hand even more, or else I would have crushed him.

"Lauren, if you can hear me, please open your eyes. I need someone to talk to, Sugar. I need you." I quietly said, hoping that she'll respond to my words. Nothing really happened for a good while, but after about five minutes, I saw her move. She opened her eyes and looked around the room, looking completely lost and clueless.

"Hey Lauren!" I said, cheerfully. My loud voice caused her to jump a bit, and that just made me crack up. Lauren, on the other hand, wasn't laughing at all. She even looked scared, scared of me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I questioned my older sibling, concerned.

"Who are you? And who's Lauren?" Lolo Bean finally answered back, after a few minutes of deadly silence.

"You're kidding, right? You know who I am." I replied back, chuckling.

"I'm serious. Who are you? Who's Lauren?" she said, dead serious.

"You... you don't remember me?" I asked her, still not buying it. My older sister shook her head and gave me a sorry look.

"I'm sorry." Lauren told me, a sad tone in her sweet and high voice.

"Come on, at least try to remember something!" I said, still not believing her.

"But I don't even know who I am!" she angrily snapped back. I was taken aback from her sudden outburst. She actually doesn't remember me.

"Does the word Cimorelli ring any bell?" I told her, quietly.

"Dani, I'm just kidding. I know who you are." Lauren answered back, chuckling. She then started to laugh her butt off.

Already Falling (Sequel to Illness and Accidents)Where stories live. Discover now