Truth or Dare: Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

“It was pointy.”  I answered sleepily, hugging his pillow close.  When did his bed ever feel this nice before?

“Kylie,”  My brother said in a tone that should have warned me.  Unfortunately, I was way too tired to heed his warning.  I yawned, and turned over, ignoring his tone of voice.  With the art of precision, he dumped a cup of ice cold water on top of my head.  Barely suppressing a shriek, I glared daggers at him, wrenched the cup out of his grasp despite his protest.

“Hey, that’s my--”  He started, trying to get the cup back.

“Too bad.”  I retorted, stomping back to my room to change in to dryer clothes.

Within moment, we headed downstairs, all our previous fight forgotten as we glanced breathlessly at the festive Christmas light that decorated our staircase, outside, and most importantly the tree that shone bright in the darkness.   Grinning happily like an idiot, I walked up to the heaps of presents under the tree, looking for the one from Santa. 

I wasn’t exactly sure what to look for.  Maybe a puppy wrapped up in gift wrap.  Immediately, I discarded the thought as retarded.  Maybe it was a puppy in a box… nope, no puppy in any boxes.  Maybe Santa left a letter explaining… nope not there either. 

“Aw,” I groaned in disappointment.

“What’s the matter, sis?”  My brother called out, gleefully pulling out all his presents.

“I don’t see anything here from Santa.”  I sighed, walking over to where he was sitting.

“That’s okay,”  He hugged me sympathetically.  “You should try looking for more stuff though.”  He winked at me, and I briefly wondered what he meant.  I went back under the tree and came up with five presents that were to me.  As soon as I was about to open my first one, I heard my brother cry out in triumph, then quickly cover his mouth again.

“What is--”  I glanced over his shoulder, taking in what was in his hand, his flushed expression, and his momentarily happy glow.  “Ah,”  I nodded in understanding.  “You never really did get over Pokemon, did you?”  I watched carefully as his face almost glowed bright red in the dim lighting.

“Shut. Up.”  He demanded, averting my teasing glance.  “Don’t you dare tell any of my friends.”  He murmured, more to himself than anybody else.  I messed up his already messed up hair, making it stick up in even more crazy directions. 

“Don’t you worry.”  I winked at him, feeling him calm down a little bit.  “Your secret is perfectly safe with me.”  I turned around the look at the five presents I had gotten.  One each from Elena, Dylan, Alyssa, and Josh.  The final from… I peered down at the name looking hopeful.  Yup, you guessed it.


I sighed, staring at the small card in my hand.  It was just a bit unlikely that a puppy could fit in there.  I started opening, starting from Elena.  Books, she knows me so well.  Dylan, a stuffed animal, with a note attached that said: Merry Christmas Kylie.  I know how much you love sleeping with stuffed animal, despite the fact that you’re a perfectly grown young lady.  Must be to hide the fact you have no guys in your bed…kidding.  Anyways, write me back!  With loads and loads of love, Dylan.  I barely contained the urge to laugh as I headed onto Alyssa’s gift.  Clothes, should have known.  And Josh.  Cake mix and an apology letter.  I grinned at their creative gifts, and felt my eyes water up again.  

Finally, I turned to Jason’s card.  Inside was a gift card to a bookshop.  They all knew me so well.  I smiled, and went over to Jason, hugging him tightly.

“Loosen up, will you?”  Jason complained, wriggling out of my grasp.

“I love you.”  I said sweetly, suddenly feeling extremely sappy.  Must be the holiday spirit getting to me.  Jason’s expression softened.

“And a Merry Christmas to you too.”

“Kylie, Jason, Merry Christmas!”  I heard a deep voice call from the head of the staircase.  Then all the light flicked on, leaving me seeing black dots.

“Merry Christmas.”  We replied, both running to hug our dad.  He chuckled.  

“Anything from Santa?”  He asked, once we both let go.

“Well, I got a 3DS,”  My brother said pompously, smiling like crazy.

“And what about you, Kylie?” 

“The usual stuff.”

“Nothing that moves?”  He asked.  Was that a twinkle in his eye I saw?

“No.”  I responded, hoping I didn’t sound to dejected.

“What if I were to say, check the garage?”  Right after the words left his mouth, I sprinted to the garage, fumbling momentarily with the doorknob.  At that moment, a fluffy, white ball of fur jumped on top of me, barking wildly.

“She’s a bichon frise.”  My dad appeared at the entrance of the garage.  “Not such a bad Christmas after all, now is it?”

“Are you kidding me?”  I replied, holding the now calm puppy tightly against me.  

“What are you naming her?”  My brother inquired, appearing behind my dad.

“Snowy.”  I murmured, petting her head.

Jason scoffed, “You are so original.”

I shot him a scathing look.  “Ignore them, Snowy.  I think it’s a perfectly fine name.”  I said to the puppy, who stared back at me, her brown eyes wide open.  I pushed past both of them, going into the house.

“Look what you did Dad, now she’s talking to puppy’s like they are human.”  My brother complained in the background.  


SOO Last chapter before school starts, and the start of school is ALWAYS fun ;D  If you're curious, yes I do have a little Bichon Frise named Snowy, but we didn't exactly get her this way^^ haha  But yes, I love her dearly (although she is a HUGE troublemaker sometimes).  The other day, she decided to go potty in four seperate spots... let's just say, I was going to pick up the one in that one spot.. and didn't notice the other one... bleh

Anyways, YES the dream was necessary.  It shows how much she still misses all her old friends, remember she's starting compeltely new, it's the way someone I know very close... coughVERYCLOSEcough had a very similar dream to that(;



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