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A/N: I literally want to cry. This is the last of this story and it feels strange but I don't want to ruin the good story I think I've built or waste anyone's time. Thank you, honestly, thank you, to everyone who has read this, commented, or voted, and really kept me motivated. I am so glad I've actually touched a few of you or made you build a connection to this book and that means the world to me. I'll be changing the story to 'completed', so for the last time...



Jordon laughs and runs up the stairs of our new home as our daughter, Charlotte, starts to cry.

"Not again," I smile and sigh happily as I make my way up the stairs behind him.

"We love you, baby girl," Jordon says and lifts the 2 year old into his arms, happily examining her brown hair and blue eyes.

Trusting Jordon again was the best decision I could've ever made, and he makes me the happiest wife amd mother alive. I think back with fondness on both of the proposals and the crazy journey that has been the last five years with him and my new band. All of the guys and my girls are still together, and the thought makes me smile when I remember where we started, all partying in the boys' old house.

There have been struggles, jealousy and days of only talking because we were on stage together, but Jordon is the best thing that could have ever happened to me and him and the guys helped me get clean permanently.

I'm four years clean and I haven't looked back, always having my girls, my guys and band mates, my husband, or my beautiful baby girl to keep me going.

I think about where I started, but I wouldn't rather be in any place but this one, in this room with Charlotte and Jordon, surrounded by more love than I could have ever expected in my life.

I kiss him softly as he hands me Charlotte and she puts her tiny hand in her mouth.

"I love you, Jade."

"I love you, Jordon."

Charlie has a crush: A Hollywood Undead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now