Chapter 8

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•Jade's POV•

I wake up in Jordon's arms. After I'd woken up during the night and talked to him about my nightmare and my past, I didn't have a hard time falling asleep again nightmare free. It's like telling him, the man who helped me without a single way of knowing, took away a part of the pain.

I gently kiss his cheek and lay there for a while, taking in his peaceful sleeping smile. I think about everything I've told him. He doesn't know about the cuts, the burns, the drugs that I took sometimes rather than selling. You don't need to scare him off so soon, Jade. Actually, I don't think the drugs would be too important, they're Hollywood Undead.

I decide that that's not information he'd need to press too hard for, but no way am I talking about self harm yet.

I silently admire the fact that I've been right about my scars. I cut and burned from 13 to 18 but I made sure they were where no one could ever see them. Jordon and I had sex last night and he never even suspected it.

I let my mind drift away from the thoughts of our conversation and the bad things and welcome the memories of yesterday. His lips on my jaw, my neck, my collarbone, his teeth nipping their way down in the wake of his kisses, the way we moved together. It was perfect.

I smile and kiss his cheek again but his eyes slowly flutter open this time.

"Morning, beautiful," Jordon whispers as he wakes, kissing my forehead.

"Good morning, 'babe'," I quote what he said last night and his mouth quirks up in a sleepy, boyish grin.

•Charlie's POV•

Yeah, I'm tired, but that was cute as hell and I can't help but smile. I'd fallen asleep thinking about everything she told me but I can't help but wish I knew the rest. What could it mean that she 'fucked up'? Drugs? Not exactly like I could judge her about that, and she knows it, so that's probably not it, or at least not all of it.

When she's ready, Charlie. Give her time.

I know that what my mind is telling me is the right thing, and I decide to finally drop it like I told myself I would last night.

"So, 'babe', breakfast?" I mock.

"Sounds perfect."

"Cool. I didn't know if you really ate breakfast cause you didn't let me buy you any when we met, and it's not like we really ate yesterday..."
I smirk and she jokingly pushes against my chest.

"No making me blush. If I think about it while you're here I'll be embarrassed," she says and hides her face in her hands.

"You can't really be embarrassed, can you? After yesterday, I mean?" I love making her blush, it's so cute. "I mean, what's more vulnerable than being completely naked and intimate with someone? So technically, no need to be embarrassed about anything anymore. I've seen it all and I love it," I'm torturing her shyness and I know it but it's adorable and I bite my lip at the memory of her naked.

She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes and there's a hint of sadness. At what I said?

"I'm sorry," I tilt her chin up. "Did I say something that upset you? I'm just bugging. I meant that I loved everything I saw and there's literally zero-no, scratch that- negative reasons to be embarrassed."

"No, no, it's not that. I was just thinking. Don't worry, I'm happy you liked the view," she fake smiles again. Will she ever tell me how she feels?

•Jade's POV•

"You can't really be embarrassed, can you? After yesterday, I mean?" Why does he like trying to make me blush, it makes me seem like a dork. "I mean, what's more vulnerable than being completely naked and intimate with someone? So technically, no need to be embarrassed about anything anymore. I've seen it all and I love it," Jordon says, biting his lip.

Charlie has a crush: A Hollywood Undead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now