Chapter 15

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A/N: I'm so sorry, guys! I've had really bad allergies lately that I've been trying to deal with before my concert.


•Jade's POV•

"We've only come this far, so cover up your scars!" JDog raps his part from Live Forever perfectly.

It's going to be six months of this and I still wonder if by the end I'll have gotten used to seeing my idols perform live almost every night.


"You guys were amazing!" I run up to Charlie and the boys once the show's over. "I mean, you guys are always amazing, but I just thought someone should say it," I smile.

"You're sweet," Jorel says and goes with the rest of the guys to get ready to party after their opening concert.

Jordon and I stand in front of each other back stage, him still in his bandana, shades, and HU SnapBack. Gorgeous.

"What?" He asks, laughing a little.

"What do you mean?"

"Just because I'm wearing sunglasses and you can't see my eyes, doesn't mean I can't see yours," he says, and I know he's smiling.

"I don't understand the point..."

He steps forward, closing our distance and takes off his shades. He pulls his bandana down around his neck.

"The point is, why are you looking at me like that?" He smirks, walking even closer and making me walks backwards into a wall.

"Like what?" I bat my eyelashes. This is fun.

"Like you want this," he takes my face in his hands and kisses me, "and this," his lips trail down my neck, "and this," he presses himself completely up against me so I can feel the heat radiating off his skin.

"Hmm," is the only thing that comes out of my mouth and I can feel him grin against my neck.

"Woah, what the fuck?" Matty asks as he walks back in to grab his drumsticks, his voice loud enough to make George come over too.

"What?" Charlie snaps.

"Keep your fucking pants on, children, we're going out," George laughs.

"Mind if I have a minute to change? Sorry, I know it's annoying having a girl along. Well, me along," I look at the ground.

"Hey, hey," Danny walks up and puts his arm around my waist, "we're happy you're here. You're awesome and you make our brother happy." He pulls me tighter for a second then smiles and let's go. Jordon smiles at him like he's happy but embarrassed and it's adorable.

"Go get dressed, shorty," Dylan says and him and Jorel laugh.

I walk out of the venue and onto the bus, telling myself I will not take long when the boys are waiting.

I walk to the bunk where the boys used to keep their extra stuff but that they let me have and pull out my red velvet dress and black heels.

I slide myself into it and take a look in the mirror, adding my matte red lipstick and mascara before I walk out.

The boys are waiting outside and it's nice to see Jordon's eyes go wide. He always makes me feel gorgeous.

"You look stunning," he says and helps me off the large bus steps.

"I try," I smile.

"You clearly didn't need to, you were in there for like two minutes," Matty says and Jordon punches him in the arm. He winces.

Charlie has a crush: A Hollywood Undead StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz