Chapter 5

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"No, no," mumbles a pretty drunk Danny, "you take a shot, then answer a question."

"I dunno about this game you invented, Danny. Could kill the fun," I say.

"Well you're boring," he says before crossing his arms like a kid. It's pretty funny though and the girls laugh. Well, the girls that aren't Jen, she's too busy kissing Jorel on the other couch and it makes Jade laugh a bit.

"What's so funny?" I whisper to her since we're right beside each other on a couch with George and Deserae, who seem to be getting along.

"Well," she whispers back, "when I thought about Jen and an HU boy, I totally pictured her and Jorel," she says then laughs again.

"Good, I was worried you secretly liked him."

"Oh, I do and it's not a secret."


She giggles. Shit, that's cute.

"You didn't let me finish, Jordon. I'm a huge fan and I definitely like all of you, just not the same way."

She's sort of opening up now. Danny had given everyone a few drinks, probably to get with that Alexis girl. They barely broke eye contact. Good for him, I think to myself.

No one really wanted to sit with the two making out so they had their own couch, Jade, J3T, Deserae, and I were on one, and the other three were split by Breanna and Val, and Dylan and Mattie. Danny and Alexis have their own couch too.

Clearly, I need to get everyone talking. There's six of them, and six of us, I like Jade and Jorel and Jen are having fun. It really could not be more perfect that our two groups.

I untangle myself from where Jade and I are sitting and walk over to the stereo, earning a strange looks from Johnny, but an understanding one from Jade. I turn it up and grab Jade's hand, telling everyone to dance. Except for Jorel, we're all telling them to get a room, which they do.

With two less people, Danny finally gets his ass up and asks Alexis to dance. We start a bit of a chain reaction until everyone's up and moving. It's fun and we spend a few hours just dancing and drinking before Jorel and Alexis come back out and look at us sincerely confused. Like they didn't even realize I'd started the music before they left. They join us anyway and we all have a hell of a time. Honestly, I can spends time with these girls, they're actually really cool and a lot like us. They like to sing and be loud and party and have fun, and just as I hoped, the guys loved them too

So far, George and Deserae are joking snd hitting it off. Jorel and Jen, fair enough to say they're already together. Lexie and Danny are dancing and saying things in each other's ears all night that no one else can hear, and Jade and I, I don't even know, myself. I kissed her, and I really like kissing her, and I think she likes me too. I guess I might as well find out.

Jade is dancing with me to A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold and when it's over, I decide to see where I stand. It feels like so much has already happened in just a day.

I lean over and put my head on her shoulder and say, "Wanna go talk for a minute?"

She looks at me and smiles and I love it, I love when she smiles at me.

"Yeah-I mean-Sure."

"Follow me," I tell her and grab her hand to lead the way. She flames red when I open my bedroom door and I smile a shy smile.

"So, I think the guys like your friends," I say nervously. What if it's too soon to ask how she feels about me? Will she think I'm crazy?

"You're kidding right? I think my friends like your guys." She laughs.

Charlie has a crush: A Hollywood Undead StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz