Chapter 14

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A/N: DaKurlysGurly Savannah3TearsScene DallasPhan123 Just wanted to say it's cool how much you guys comment and seem like you really like the story and keep me motivated. Thanks guys. (:


•Jade's POV•

This is a smart idea. I know I'm doing the right thing, but my hands are shaking so much they almost drop the phone.

"Hello?" The woman asks again.

"Hi. It's Jade," I mumble.

"Jade! It's so good to be hearing back from you! Have you come to a decision?"

"I was wondering," I start, "if it'd be at all possible for me to do this type of job on the road. Fax, email, I can bring hard copies. Is there any way?" I basically beg.

"Well, Jade, it's a highly irregular request..."

"I know, I know, but I have a commitment that requires about six months on a bus and I can't cancel it, but I wouldn't dream of missing this opportunity. This type of work seems like something that would be doable that way, I just need to be in constant connection. Please," I plead.

I look up and Jordon and he looks horrified. I don't blame him.

"We have been very intrigued by you since your interview, Ms. Croí." She states like that doesn't make it an easy decision.

Just say yes!

I hear her mumbling to a man in the background about how well they'd be able to communicate across country.

"Jade, for you, and only you, we want to try to make this work. It's not like you can't read or write on a bus. We understand."

"Oh my God! Thank you!" I shriek and Jordon smiles.

"One thing, if you don't mind me asking. Why will you be spending six months across America?"

"Um, my boyfriend is in a band and I'd already committed to going. I take everything I say and do seriously, inluding this job. I won't let you down."

"Like I said, we both want this to work, Jade. I'll discuss emails and faxes with you by Wednesday. Have a good night."

"You too, Ms. Nicholson. Thank you, again."

"So?" Jordon asks me.

"I can go!" I yell and get up, running and jumping into his arms.

"Babe, that's amazing!" He picks me up and spins me around. When he sets me back down, he kisses me. "As much as I'd love to celebrate, do you want to have another quiet night? Dinner, maybe catch a movie, come back and hang out?"

"It's perfect, you're perfect, life's perfect," I smile, almost falling over in my heels as I lean to kiss him again.

"It really is perfect. So, how are you going to be working from the bus?" Jordon asks as he opens the front door for us to leave.

"Well, it's just reading and writing and revising, all things they can fax and email me for if need be. You guys can write your music and I'll read over other people's writing. I know it sounds lame," I look down and walk through the door.

"Hey," he turns to me once we're outside, "your dreams aren't lame. You've made a lot of yourself and you're only twenty three. You amaze me," he leans in and kisses me. "Promise me two things?"

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