Chapter 21

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A/N: So, sorry if any of the stuff from the last chapter seems kind of off, I don't know much about concussions or medical injuries or anything. If it's wrong, my bad. Also, I'm really sorry this took a few days but I'm drawing a portrait of Jorel Decker (JDog) for art class that's really big and intimidating so it's taking a lot of time.


•Jade's POV•

The doctors never said I couldn't fall back asleep like I thought they would with concussions, so as I was snuggled into Jordon's chest, I let myself drift off to his beautiful voice. When I woke up again, he was gone.

I hear voices coming from the lounge area and get up and walk over, tell the guys I'm going to go take my shower before the show, and go to the washroom.

I turn on the water to almost full heat, strip, and step in. It feels amazing against my skin and I sit down. I push my dripping black hair out of my face and sit there for a few minutes until I finally start to feel clean. I stand up eventually and shampoo and condition my hair, then step out and call Jordon to the bathroom area to get the clothes for me that I forgot. Walking around in a towel isn't really my thing.

I ask him to bring me my red sweats and black and red Hollywood Undead shirt and he smiles as he does, kissing me quickly when he hands them to me.

"How do you feel?" He asks me.

"I knew you could sing, but hearing you sing Outside at the hospital just made me want to do nothing but listen to your voice," I blush.

"I'd say you can hear me at the show, but I don't want you to be around so much noise and people," he puts his hand on my cheek, "I'm still really worried about you."

"I know you are, and I think you're right, I'll stay back. I'd say I would do some work if I hadn't been fired already," I sigh.

"When were you fired?"

"Yesterday. I did my tests and was laying in my room waiting for the show to be over so I could see you and I got an email from Ms. Nicholson. I was going to explain my situation but I realized I really don't ever want to," I say quietly.

It sucks, it really sucks that I got fired, but I'm staying strong. I can't hurt myself anymore, I won't put Jordon through it again.

"Angel, I am so sorry. I can't believe that asshole hurts you and then you lose your job..." Jordon looks at me, worried, probably thinking I'll do damage to myself.

"I think I'm ok. Everything that happened was really traumatic and I wanted you to be my only but mostly I'm not hurting physically, just a lot of built up hate. I'm insanely happy you hurt him," I say because it's true.

"We did it for you," he kisses my forehead, "and we all also really wanted to beat the shit out of him," Jordon smirks.

"You and the guys have all been amazing, they're not even making me feel like I'm intruding and not once have they made me feel bad about being the reason you guys canceled those shows, and you've never canceled a show."

"I promise, they're the best guys you'll ever meet," he smiles warmly.

"I'm dating the best guy, but he needs to leave so I can change."

•Charlie's POV•

I haven't been physical with Jade at all, I want her to have time when it comes to all that.

Normally I'd make a smart remark about not leaving but I understand, and I want her to know I do.

I walk back into the lounge area and all the guys are talking about whether we should already get working on the new album.

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