Chapter 1

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I guess at some point during my lame thoughts she must have started walking because her back is to me now. Seriously, Jordon! What in the hell are you doing now?! I think she sees me in the reflection of the raised phone she has out for texting because she turns around quickly probably thinking I'm stalking her. Good first impression, jack ass. I haven't fully processed her turning and I walk right into her, almost knocking her over.

"I'm so sorry. Oh crap, are you okay?" I ask. She looked pretty shocked so I thought I should ask.

"Perfectly fine," she manages, her voice sounding strained but excited. So her voice was another quality to add to the list of reasons this total stranger was seemingly interesting.
"Hell, I wouldn't even care if wasn't as long as I'm looking at who I think I am."

"I can tell by the shirt that you definitely know who I am," I joke back. I tried sounding obvious and nice without being cocky. Weird mix. Did I pull it off? Damn, I hope so.

"Wow! Should I go for the obvious thing to say right now?" Her voice is soft. Definitely not a smoker, and as more of an afterthought, she doesn't look like a user either. That delicateness is back and it's shocking how innocent she seems to me.

"What would that be?" Okay, now, and I totally admit it, I'm just trying to sound cool. You know, live up to the mental image of the guy wearing the bandana on her shirt. Or maybe I'm flirting? Jordon, you idiot, you don't flirt. You drink, you smoke, you dance, you sleep with.

"'Oh my God! Is that Charlie Scene?!' I love that song by the way," she blushes.

"Always a pleasure to meet a fan," I say, sounding as sweet as possible while laughing a bit. Sweet? Jordon, what the fuck? "But I don't believe I got your name?"

"I'm Jade."

Hot name, I thought to myself, couldn't say it though. Wouldn't say it. Would you control yourself? You have no idea who this girl is! She could be a raging psychopath for all you know!

I don't know why my thoughts can't just shut up. Something about talking to this girl I don't even know for about two minutes is already making me question my own sanity. Great. Now I'm all talent, style, love, and crazy. It does help change up the list though.

"Nice name," I manage, not wanting to get distracted again. It was better than 'Sexy name, stranger.' Good progress on healing my sanity. "I'll officially introduce myself as Jordan."

"This is happening. Okay, I'm starting to process... Nope! Still too perfect to be real!"

"That's cute." Oh God, I just said something about her was cute! I wanted to say all of her was, but it was obviously out of line as I've known her for under five minutes. She blushes when I make eye contact for the first time since we've started talking. She has incredible green, almost catlike coloured eyes. Shit, is literally everything about her gorgeous?

"Well, I think it's fair that, since I almost dropped you to the ground a few minutes ago, I buy you breakfast? Unless you've already eaten." Jordon, you buy rounds, not omelettes.

Jade's POV•

"That's cute."

Holy shit! Did the Charlie Scene just say 'cute' to me?! I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and I can't fight the blush that I know is showing by the way he's smiling. We're making eye contact now? I might pass out. This is insanity!

"Well, I think it's fair that, since I almost dropped you to the ground a few minutes ago, I buy you breakfast? Unless you've already eaten."

"Are you kidding?" I breathe. I can hear the shock in my own voice and I know he must be able to too. "Even if I had, which I haven't, I'd still say yes." I should really try to stop sounding like a stupid fan girl. He's talking to me, be casual, Jade.

"Great," he says. Was that excitement I heard? It couldn't be. Why would it be?

"Since you invited me to breakfast, I think it's only fair that I invite you to the party I'm going to later." I was trying so hard to keep my cool but now it's out there. I can't take back the fact that a random girl on the side of the street that meant nothing to him has just invited him to a commitment later. I'm going to scare him away.

Trying to recover, I manage to let out, "I know how you HU boys like to party." Good, Jade. Be cool.

"That sounds amazing."

Oh my God! I'm so red right now he's probably laughing at how stupid I look. I had put my phone away early on in the conversation but I don't need its glass reflection to tell me I'm blushing a brighten colour then the stop sign Jordon and I are passing. Woah. 'Jordon and I'? This day got really good, really early.

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