Jus wan no

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Hey guys! I was recently creeping on basically all the Teen Wolf Instagram accounts and stumbled upon an the pic above ^ and I broke into tears. It has been two seasons since her death but I can not get over it. I will be going through Teen Wolf stuff and see a pic of her and break down. When Scott wrote Allison's name I cried so hard I had a migraine and couldn't even focus on the next day of school. Her death has literally sent me into depression and I torture myself by looking at Teen Wolf stuff because I know I'll see a pic of her and I'll start crying. I just wanted to know if you guys ever cry over her anymore. If you do comment and let's get this chat going. We can talk about the battle in our hearts lol. You can private message me if you want and we can talk whenever about Allison or anything on Teen Wolf or TVD or whatever else. I love you guys so so so sooo much! -Livi

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