Sad Good-byes and Happy Hellos

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*Lottie's POV*


"Katie, I'm going to miss you girly!" I say hugging her tightly.

"You can't leave! I'm not going to let you leave ever! You'lll be my prisoner!" Fizzy says hugging her.

"I wouldn't minde staying here for forever. But I do miss Texas a little. It's been months since I last saw my family." she says.

"We know. We all know." I tell her.

"I miss the heat and humidity as crazy as it sounds. In the middle of July or August when you go outside and you're practically inhaling water. It's amaing!"

"You're nuts!" Fizzy and I tell her.

"I know I am!"

Pretty much everyone called her crazy at least once over th course of the school year. 

On Wednesday, people were practically hanging off of her in hugs. All because it was our last day of school. We get out earlier than most schools because we start a bit earlier. I don't mind, we get the same amount of time off. When Katie got here, we were a few weeks into school. She's lucky, those weeks are always the most annoying.

Oh, and do not get me started on her farewell party yesterday. That was nuts.


"I would just like to say that it has een amazing having you here Ms. Kaitlyn Jones!" Fizzy says to her, "I know we'll all miss you! I'll probably miss you the most!"

Ha! That's a good one Fizz.

"I know I have four daughters already, but Katie, it's been amazing having you as an honorary fifth daughter." mum says, "If you ever want to come back here, the front door is always open.

We're telling her why we're going to miss her right now, in front of everyone. Fortunately it's a really nice day today. It's sunny and fairly warm out. Shocking for here. I plan on embarrassing her so much she goes beet red.

"Kaitlyn Marie Jones, you are one of my best friends! It's crazy to think about how close we've became in such a short amount of time. There's a lot of inside jokes. You will forever be my FEZ. At least we can understand you when you speak. My favorite memory with you will forever be when we jammed out to Cher Lloyd and Little Mix on the bus for two and a half hours straight. I forget where we were even going, except that it was for some class trip. All I know is that there's a bunch of pictures of us from that day circulating the Internet of us from that day. You know what, I don't care! At least it's not something inappropriate!" I continue for another 20 minutes. Katie is both beet red and laughing her head off.

We had some great times together this year.

I'm definitely going to have to visit her in Texas someday.


"When you are a famous photographer, remember us in your autobiography!" I tell her.

"Oh, I shall!" she laughs.

*Katie's POV*

I'm going to miss these people. They are family to me now. Jay is my nth-I have no idea how many it is-second mother, and Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe are the four younger sisters that I never had.

"Katie, you have been amazing to have this year. Even when you unintentionally caused a little bit of drama." Jay says, hugging me.

I know she's talking about Christmas.

That had been weird. But, Louis and I have became great friends since then. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. He's going to be in Texas really soon, maybe I'll see him then.

"I'll miss you too. All of you!" I say and hug each one of them one last time.

"Now go, so you won't miss your flight!" Jay says.

"Yeah, I know."

I head off for security, but not before looking back at them one last time. They wave at me and I feel myself tear up a little bit.

"Miss, you're holding up the line." a security lady says to me.

"Oh, sorry." I say and move through, sniffling all the way.

While I wait for my flight, I look through my pictures of Lottie, Fizzy, and the twins during all of our crazy times together. I come across one of Louis and I from the day he headed back to London. I nearly start crying.

"Hey, you okay?" a kind looking older woman asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell her.

As I board the plane, I feel my heart pounding. I know everything will be fine, but I'm slightly nervous to head back to Texas either way.

It'll all be fine Katie.

As the plane takes off from the runway, it feels like a piece of me dies. A piece that belongs in England. In some ways I truly fond myself during my time with the Tomlinson's.

Even though I didn't get to spend much time with him, I feel like I'm going to miss Louis the most. But maybe that's why I feel like I'll miss him the most. I know I can still talk to him whenever I want to, that won't change. Although a lot of the time we won't be on the samw continent.

As the plane lands at DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) Airport, I know that everything is fine back at home. Things will go back to the way they were, except I'll have some amazing friends back in England.

'WELCOME HOME, KATIE!" all of my family yells when I get off of the plane

"We missey you, baby girl!" my dad says hugging me.

"Missed you too, dad." I reply.

"I am never ever letting you leave again." Chris says holding me in a bone crushing hug.

"Yeah, I'll make sure that I leave a lot then. Just to annoy you."

"You want me to get hurt a lot?!" Tyler asks looking slightly hurt.

"I don't want you getting hurt Tyler! You're my favorite brother!" I hug him tightly. I can see the scars from the accident.

"Ow, not so tight."


I had forgotten about his health issues after the accident.

It truly feels great to be home again.

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