New Year, New Starts, New People

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*Katie's POV*

New Years Eve

I see Louis talking to someone on his computer. Did I mention he's laying on his stomach? Well he is. Big mistake Tommo.

I sit down on his bum like he's not even there.

"Well this is an odd couch cushion." I say, "Oh, that's why it's weird, it's you Louis. Who you talking to?"

"Harry." he tells me.

I move so I'm laying on top of him and rest my chin on his head. "Hi, Harry!'

"Hi. Um, who are you exactly. I don't remember you being one of Louis' sisters." he says.

"That's because I'm not."

"Then who are you?'

"I'm Katie. And an exchange student, I'm staying here."

"In Doncaster?"

"No, Cheshire. Of course in Doncaster!"

"You're rubbing off on her Lou."

"What?! I would never do such a thing!" Louis says.

"Whatever. Just so you know, you two look like a couple."

"We do not!" both of us say.

He ignores our protest. "How old are you Katie?"

"18." I tell him.

"She's too young for you!" Harry says in a loud whisper.

"Who said anything abou us being a couple?! Or potentially being one?" Louis asks him.

"I never said anything about that. I'm just saying."

"Oh. Okay then."

"Well, while you two talk about weird things, I'll be over here doing my own things." I say getting off of  Louis and going over to a chair.

*Louis' POV*

When Katie gets off of me and walks over to a chair, I think about what Harry said. He said we looked like a couple since she was on top of me. But when she told him that she's 18 he told me that she's too young for me. The boy needs to make up his mind.

"Lou!" Harry says.

"What?" I ask him.

"I said your name like ten times and you didn't answer me."

"Oh sorry. I was lost in my thoughts."


I roll my eyes at him. "Harold, you do not know what goes on up in my head."

"You're right I don't, and I don't think I want to know either."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."


"Hi, Harry!" I hear a female voice say. I look over my shoulder and see Lottie.

"Hey, Lottie!" he says.

"What d'you want?" I ask her at the exact same time.

"Mum said that she wants you off the computer." she tells me.

"And I am a legal adult!'

"Who acts like he's five."


"Please. You and I both know that it'd make her happy."


"Bye, Harry!" she ends the call for me.


"Like you've never been rude to me."

I laugh at that. She's got a point there.

*Lottie's POV*

"HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!" Louis yells at the top of his lungs.

"Thanks Lou, it's not like I didn't need to hear or anything like that." Katie tells him sarcastically.

"Sorry." he picks her up into a huge hug and spins her around.

"Can't breathe!" she says.

He puts her back down on the floor and quickly pecks her on the forehead.

I look at Fizzy and raise an eyebrow at her.

"I dunno." she mouths to me.

"I figured." I mouth back.

*Katie's POV*

Louis picks me up into a huge hug and spins me around.

"Can't breathe!' I say struggling for air a little.

He puts me back down and quickly pecks me on the forehead.

What was that all about? I mean the hug was one thing, but the kiss on the forehead. What happened to being friends? But, whatever.

What bothers me more is the way my heart fluttered. I don't like him like that. I mean, sure he's gorgeous, but there's no way I like him like that.

"Well, I'm going to bed." I announce and head up to my room.

As I pull on my pajama shirt, Lottie walks right on into my room.

"May I help you ?" I ask her as I pull my hair to the side and start braiding it.

"No, I just decided to come in." she says.


"Okay, I was really curious about the way you reacted."

"I don't know why I reacted the way I did. Maybe it's because I was a little startled."

"Guess that makes sense. Okay, I know you probably don't want to talk about this, but what exactly happened on-"

"You're right, but I guess it wouldn't hurt telling you." I then tell her everything. From beginning to end. 

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