"Merry" Christmas

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Two updates two days in a row! Aren't you lucky my lovely readers?! 

Anyhow, here's the next chapter!


*Katie's POV*

After a restless night's sleep, I wake up in the morning when someone lands on my bed. I unwillingly open my eyes and see Fizzy of all people sitting there.

"What d'you want?!" I groan and roll over, pulling my pillow over my head.

"It's Christmas!" she says, I can hear the grin on her face.


"I know you want to open up presents, Kaitlyn."

"Presents will still be there this afternoon."

"Okay, well mum told me to wake you up because the twins and Louis are getting anxious."

"Ugh, I don't want to see Louis!"

"I know what happened between you two yesterday."

I bolt upright. "How do you know that?!"

"He told me, and made me pinky promise not to tell anyone. But since you're the other person involved, I think an exception can be made."

"You're right."

"Hey, you feeling alright? You've got tear stains on your cheeks."

"No! I spent half the night crying in my frustration and confusion about everything involving him!"

"I see. Well come down stairs, mum says we can't open up presents until you come down."

"Looks like you won't be opening presents for quite a while, I can't be in the same room as him>"

"Sounds like Lottie. I can tell it's taking all of their will power to not yell at each other. Did you hear them last night?"


"Yeah, mum thinks the neighbors heard them."

"She told me that, and that if it was summer the entire neighborhood would've heard them."

"Wouldn't surprise me. But this is kind of interesting, if there's ever yelling it's usually me and Lottie or one of us and mum. Yes I knkow that Louis has a different dad than the rest of us, but long story short: none of us got our loud voices from our dad."

"Oh, lovely."

"Yeah. Now c'mon! We want to open up presents! Oh, and I almost forgot, there's a huge present from your parents."

I practically vault out of bed when she says that."

"Give me two minutes to wash my face and I will be down." I say, getting a smile on my face.

"Okay!' she says, a huge grin on her face.

I run into the bathroom and wash the tear stains from my cheeks.

"Ready?" Fizzy asks me.

"Ready." I reply.

The two of us walk downstairs to the living room.

"Was someone practically dead?" Lottie asks jokingly.

"No." Fizzy says.


Louis looks awkward being in the same room as me.

*Louis' POV*

Katie looks just as awkward as I feel being in the same room. Of course, only Fizzy knows why the two of us are being so awkward and avoidng each other. I know I feel stupid for kissing Kate, but if I hadn't I'd be thinking that I should have kissed her. (I should've kissed you!) Not many people can say that they're in a love-hate relationship with themselves. I, sadly, am one of them.

A few high pitched shreiks pull me fro my thoughts. I look up and see the girls all with matching sweatshirts. They're white with a pigeon on it. Above the pigeon it says MISSING in huge letters. Below that it says KEVIN in slightly smaller letters. This is slightly sad because I know exactly where Kevin is.

"Mum, you really bought them those?" I ask.

"I thought they were too hilarious to pass up." she says.

"Yeah, they are pretty funny, Even though I do know where Kevin is."

"That's not the point."

"I know it's not."



I must admit I find this chapter interesting. It's primarily a filler chapter.

I added in the sweatshirts with Kevin on them to add in the pigeon that we all know and love!

Yes that's right Kevin, Zayn is a lovely guy!

I'd make that pigeon disappear

I'd make that pigeon reappear!

Anyhow, I was thinking of making Oath by Cher Lloyd Katie and Lottie's friendship song. It's a really amazing song! Tell me what you think of the idea.

Funny story, in my first hour class, one of my friends told me that I looked like Louis. I have to admit, I did. I wasn't exactly going for that, but I think I pulled it off pretty well. Photo of me in me the outfit on the side... maybe. And later one in the day one of the band directiors told me that he was going to put me in the snow so it would melt since my pants were bright red. I was actually willing to do so. I would do that if it would actually work but it sadly wouldn't.


What is spring? Seriously, us Minnesotan's are confused on the whole concept of spring. If you're from like Texas or Florida, or some other warm state, could you please explain spring to me. It'd be greatly appreciated!

Anyhow, tell me what you thought of the chapter!



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Love you all! :)


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