Making Things Better

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*Katie's POV*


I heara knock on my door and I quickly pause my movie.

"Come in." I say.

The door opens and in walks Louis.

"What d'you want?" I ask him.

"Um. Well, I... um. I wanted to talk to you." he tells me.

"About what?" I pull my legs up to my chest.

"About Tuesday." he sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Bet it feels weird having to knock on your own bedroom door and be cautious in your own room."

"Yeah kinda. But that's not my point."

"Then what is it?"

"I don't know what I was thinking. I felt like an idiot afterwards. Not to mention I was freaking out and wondering why you ran off. And slightly regretting doing what I did. And-oh I don't even know!"

"Louis, stop freaking out!"

"Oh, sorry."

"YOu want to know why I ran off?"


"Because I was confused. We'd only known each other for a few days and then you kissed me. I just couldn't believe that it happened."

"You want to pretend that it never happened?"




He holds his arms open and pulls me into a hug.

 "MInd if i call you Kat?" he asks when we pull away from each other.

"Don't call me that or I may just punch you. I did punch a classmate in ninth grade when he called me Kat. I got detention and nobody ever called me Kat again." I tell him.

"I'll keep that in mind. But I am curious, did you do any damage?"

"Yeah. I broke his nose. My mother was mad at me while my dad was impressed that the little thing that I was-and still am-was able to punch someone and break their nose. The guy who's nose I broke has been slightly scared of me since then."

'I don't doubt."

"A year later, when we were 16, he asked me out. I replied by saying, 'Don't make me break your nose again.' He ran off after that."

"You didn't like him?"

"No. I mean, sure he had the looks-aside from a not entirely straight nose-but he was not very nice to anyone."

"Explains a lot."

"Yeah, he deserved to be punched. Most people congratulated me on it. My best friend back in Texas, Megan, told me that her senior memory is and I quote, 'When Katie J. punched Timmy B. in he nose in ninth grade.'

Louis laughs at that.

"There's a reason I was so excited to come here. I hate my classmates! Okay, I don't hate them as individuals, but on the whole I do. I mean, go to another country and study there for a year with different people or be stuck with people I've known my whole life that get on my nervers. You get one guess which one out."

"The first one."


"You know, when things aren't awkward between us, we get along really well."

"We do."

*Louis' POV*

After talking to Katie about everything, I feel a lot better about everything. I think we might even have an amazing friendship, maybe not now but definitely soon.

"So, you two are speaking to each other again?" mum asks us.

"Yeah." we both say.

"Good. Things got back to normal a lot quicker than I expected."

"That a bad thing?" I ask.

"No. Just commenting on it."


I look back at Katie and give her a small smile, which she returns.



So, things aren't weird between Katie and Louis anymore. Yay! Commence happy dance.

Sarah, no happy dancing.


Anyhow, might update later today or tomorrow. If I remember or don't fall asleep.

So, there's this ice cream store in my town that just opened up and one of the ice cream flavors is called Superman. You get one guess who it reminds me of! If you don't, do your research. It's also my favorite flavor too, ironically.

Irony- when what you least expect to happen, happens.

Only thing I learned in English in 10th grade right there. I know, it's sad!

Less than a month until school is out for the summer! I'm so happy! Only a year left at my school!

BTW, Katie's life is loosely based on mine. We're both from small towns and we both hate our classmates as we've known them practially our whole lives. I would love to go to a different school for my senior, I actually might be too. Fingers crossed! Might be in Texas with my aunt and uncle, kinda the opposite of Katie. Except I'd be in Austin, not a suburb.




Twitter: @sharper9614

Je T'aime! That's French for 'I love you' I speak a little French. Parlez vous francais? Oui!


It All Started in DoncasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora