Surprises and Munchkins and Witches, Oh My!

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*Katie's POV*

I hear the doorbell ring while I'm reading a bood on my bed. Someone clearly answers the door.

"Yo, Katie!" Lottie yells at me.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Sheesh!" I say walking down the steps.

"Jeez Katie, I thought you'd be happier to see me!" the girl I have not seen in months, Megan says.

"Megan! It's been forever since I last saw you!" I say hugging her.

"I know! What you been up to?"

"Not a whole lot. Usually just hanging out with Lottie and Fizzy or schoolwork or making sure that I don't say something stupid that would get me in trouble at school."

"Typical Katie."

I shake my head at her.

"We should all hang out today!" Lottie says enthusiastically.

"Better idea! We should all hang out at the mall!" I say.

*Lottie's POV*

"Okay Megan, how did you and Katie become friends?" Fizzy asks her while we sit in the mall food court.

"Well, in first grade I moved to Texas from Kansas. Katie and I were in the same class. She was the first friend I made there. Keep in mind that back then I was really shy; Katie on the other hand was the bold and outgoing girl that she is today." Megan says.

"Yeah, I brought the bold girl that she is on the inside, out. Of course part of the reason I've always been so bold and outgoing is because I'm the youngest of five."

"Why'd you move from Kansas?" I ask.

"Because nothing normal ever happens there!" Megan jokes, "Never know when you're going to be sucked up into a toranado-house and all-with your dog and dropped in a land full of munchkins."

Fizzy and I just stare at her and ask, "What are you talking about?!"

"You've never seen The Wizard of Oz?" she asks. 

"Once, when we were little." I tell her.

"Oh, you two don't know what you are missing out on!" both Katie and Megan practically yell at us.

"We are buying it and we are watching it the second we get home!" Katie adds in just as loud a voice.

*Katie's POV*

Lottie and Fizzy almost seem mesmerized by The Wizard of Oz. I still can't believe that they've only seen it once. In my family, it's tradition to watch it every Easter. And then I usually see it at least one other time a year.

"I would just like to say that the Wicked Witch of the West is psychotic." Fizzy says.

"She is." Lottie agrees, "But what I want to know is why she wants the ruby red slippers from Dorothy so bad."

"No one knows!" I say.

"Follow the yellow-brick road!" Megan says in a high pitched munchkin-like voice.

"Follow the yellow-brick road!" I say in the same type of voice.

"Follow the yellow-brick road! Follow the yellow-brick road! Follow the yellow-brick road! Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow-brick road!" the two of us sing.

"Shut up! I'm trying to watch the move!" Fizzy says and smacks my knee.

"Sorry!" I yell in a whisper at her.

"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" Megan says.

*Lottie's POV*

"Best movie ever!" I say after the movie ends.

"I know! Made in 1939 and still movie genius! Judy Garland, I love you! Minnesotans are amazing at acting!" Megan says.

"She's a movie buff." Katie informs Fizzy and I.

"Ah." the both of us say.

"NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo and I are perfect for each other! We both know so much about movies!" Megan says, "And he's so damn hot!"

Katie face-palms and shakes her head. "Megan, he's too old for you!"

"I don't care!"

"I know you don't!"

"So why bother?!"

"I don't know!"

I roll my eyes at them.

Are they always like this?



First things first. I know that in this chapter, Megan makes a quick joke about tornadoes-more like a reference to The Wizard of Oz. But tornadoes are nothing to joke about. Oklahoma is a prime example of this. 

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the tornado. Especially those who lost loved ones. Such as those poor elementarty kids! Is no elementary school safe anymore?!

Anyhow, I know that I made a ton of refences to movies and TV shows in this chapter.

So, I am going to clear some things up with them. If you understand my references, you may skip this part right here.

If you don't know The Wizard of Oz, I can't help you. All I can say is, go get your life in order and watch the damn movie!

NCIS, on the other hand, I could go on and on and on. LIke many of us can with One Direction. First of all, NCIS stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service and is a show on CBS on Tuesday nights at 8/7c and on USA most nights. It is an amazing show, most definitely one of my favorites. They solve military murders and what not.

Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo is just that, special. He is the senior field agent of his team. His biggest talents seem to be making movie references to whatever case they're investigating and flirting with pretty girls.

Flirting with pretty girls? That sounds familiar ;)

(*cough* Harry! *cough*)

And that concludes Miss Sarah C. Sharp's lesson on NCIS/SA Anthony DiNozzo. I hoped you enjoyed it.

I shall not speak anymore for a while.





It All Started in DoncasterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz