Questions and Late Night Reassurances

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*Katie's POV*

"Hey, Lottie, why'd you ask me where I live?" I ask her/

"Um, Fizzy and I might be visiting you this summer when you're back in Texas. It'd be fun to go there." she tells me.

"Oh, okay." I know that she's lying, but I won't push it.

"Why d'you ask?"

"I was just curious."


*Lottie's POV*

Katie knows that I'm lying when I tell her that Fizzy and I might be visiting her in Texas this summer. I hopeshe doesn't know any of the truth behind it.

It'd ruin the whole surprise. Louis is so anxious to do whatever he has planned for her.

We all know how much he likes her. All of us except her. She's so blind to it. Maybe it's because she's friend-zoned him.

In reality, she actually seems to kind of like him, but she denies it like crazy.

"Katie, do you like Louis?" Fizzy asks her.

"I like him as a friend, but that's it." she says.

See what I mean? My poor brother has been friend-zoned by the girl he would do anything for. Which is usually how it always works.

"You sure?" Fizzy asks her again, trying to get the truth.

"Yes!" she insists.

She says she doesn't like him like that, but her eyes don't shut up about him though. They never shut up. If her eyes spoke instead of her mouth, we'd all be yelling at her to stop talking about him.

*Katie's POV*

Lottie and Fizzy haven't stopped bothering me about Louis for the past few days.

He's their brother, they shouldn't care too much about it. 

I like him as a friend. He's great to talk to when I need someone to talk to in the middle of the night,

Granted he's on tour, but if he's not busy he will answer my call. In fact there's only been one time he hasn't answered my call, and within an hour he called me back to make sure I was okay.

He definitely likes talking to me a lot.

"You like him don't you? You know you do!" Lottie says, smirking at me.

"How many times do I have to say that I only like him as a friend?!" I nearly yell at her.

"Okay! I get it!"

Louis is just a really great friend to me. He's who I call when I need someone to talk to.

I know to his face I call him my best guy friend, but he's really my best friend.

Laying in bed that night, my thoughts start rushing through my mind at 100mph.

What's going to be different about home when I return?

Who'll be excited to see me?

Who won't be?

What is my mother going to do?

Will Tyler be better by then?

How much will Jayden have changed?

Will Adam, the boy I have practically been in love with for the past year and a half, look at me differently? I hope he does.

All of these thoughts and about a thousand more cause my breathing and pulse to quicken. In seconds I'm hyperventilatin.

The only thing I think of doing is calling Louis.

"Hello?" he asks, and yawns, when he picks up.

"Louis, I can't take it anymore!" I say, tears streaming down my face.

"Take what?"

"Everything! I've been worrying about what people are going to say to me when I get back to Texas! I'm scared that Tyler will have gotten worse, he's had a few medical issues since the accident, and I'm scared that they've gotten worse! And if they have, mum and dad aren't telling me because they don't want to worry me, which is only worrying me more-"

"Katie, breathe. In through your nose and out through your mouth. In and out slowly."

I try to breath slowly, but it's not working.

"Katie! Katie! Breathe! Calm yourself!" five male voices repeat over and over again in funny tones and at different times. The rest of the boys?

I start laughing my head off at them.

Eventually I can't breathe from laughing so hard. That is what Louis does to me, he makes me laugh so hard that I can't breathe.

"Stop it! I can't breathe!" I tell them laughing.

"NEVER!" someone says, I think it's Liam.

"I'm not crying anymore and I'm breathing normal."

"Knew that would work." Louis says.

"We obviously love this bloke enough to not chop his balls off for waking us up at two in the fucking morning!" Niall says, that I know because of the Irish accent.

"Not saying it won't happen if he ever does it again." Zayn, I think, says and yawns.

"Sorry I woke you up at two am." I say a little sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it."Harry says yawning. Anyone can recognize his raspy voice anywhere, even over the phone.

"Well, I'm going to bed now." I tell them, "Night boys."

"Night Katie." four of them chorus.

"Night love." Louis says.

I hang up and go to sleep.

*Louis' POV*

"Now, about chopping my balls off for waking you up at two in the morning...." I say.

"I was joking! We would never do such a thing to you!" Niall says.

"But we might shave your eyebrows off or shave half your head." Liam says.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Pray that you have a full head of hair and both your eyebrows in the morning, Tommo."

And with that Liam, Zayn, and Harry leave the room.

"You were joking, right?" I ask Niall.

"Totally." he says, trying to sound innocent.




There's only two more chapters left in this story! 

Not counting the epilogue.

Admit it that you can picture one of the boys at least threatening to shave off one of the other boys eyebrows or shave half his head.

Anyhow, I've decided that I'm going to update this this story every other day. So, since there's only two more chapters, and the epilogue left, it should be done by Friday. Or is it Saturday?

That depresses me a little.

But, there will be a sequeal!

The title is probably going to be The Troublemakers.

I'm going to miss Jay, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe. I'll figure out a way to work them in.

I'm going to be one step closer to being a high senior in a few hours! Why? Well, the Class of 2013 will be graduating today. I shall miss some of them, but others I will be,

"Adios bitches!"

Which is also how I fall leaving on the last day of school.




-Sarah "almost a senior"

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