Strange Dreams

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First things first, I personally don't like this chapter a whole lot. It's weird. Like REALLY WEIRD. I don't know why I wrote it either. Originally it was supposed to be part of the previous chapter, but I didn't think it really fit into it, so I made it into its own chapter. It doesn't really fit into the story at all! 

But I have reasoned with myself that I might as well put it in. Who's it going to hurt?

That's right, no one. 

So, here it is, chapter 13 of IASD, Strange Dreams. (More like EXTREMELY strange dream)

You have been warned. Don't say I didn't warn you.


*Lottie's POV*

"Katie, it's been forever!" I say hugging the girl.

"It has been!" she says grinning.

"Louis then comes from no where. Katie seems happy to see him and they kiss.

Wait, WHAT?!

"When did you two start dating?" I ask them.

"A little over three years ago." Louis tells me.

Why do I not remember this happening?

"Momma! Daddy!" a girl of about two yells running towards them.

"Hey, princess!" Louis says and picks the little girl up.

This is getting scary.

"Look!" She shows the pair of them something.

"You found one of daddy's albums?" Katie asks her.

"I did momma!" she says.

"Did you go through my stuff?" Louis asks, I guess she's his daughter. It's weird saying that.


"You can't lie, sweetheart. I see right through it!"

"When did you two have a kid?" I ask Katie and Louis.

"Almost two years ago." Katie tells me.

Well, the two of them most definitely seem to love their daughter. She looks a lot like her father, but has blonde hair like her mother.

"What's her name?"

"Brooklyn Natalie." Louis says, "But you should know that, you were there when she was born."

"I was?"

"You were. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I feel fine. Why?"

"Look at your skin." Katie tells me.

"What d'you mean?"

"Just look at your reflection."

I notice a mirror that wasn't there before. I jump when I see my reflection. My skin is paper white, almost translucent and my hair is beyond thin. I can tell that I'm still young, but now I feel sick and a little bit weak.

"Why do I look and feel like this?" I wonder aloud.

(AN, here's where it starts getting really weird)

"Lottie, you have cancer and you're dying from it." Harry tells me. Where'd he come from?

"What?!" I ask.

"You're dying." Liam says.

"I-I'm dying"

"You are," Zayn says, he looks sad.

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