London Happenings

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*Louis' POV*


"Alright boys, we have less than a month until the tour begins! Focus!' Simon yells at us.

"Sorry." the five of us mumble.

After another half an hour, I still can't focus.

"Louis!" Liam says.

"What?" I ask him.

"Your eyes were glazed over."

"Oh, oops."

"Alright, who is she?" Zayn asks.

"Who said there was a girl?" I ask.

Harry looks like he's trying not to say something.

"Say anything Styles and you are dead." I mutter to him.

"Tell us Harry!" Niall whines.

"You think I want to die?" he asks the blond boy.



"Harry, you aren't telling them anything. But I am." I sigh.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn look like giddy school girls.

"So, there's this girl, her name's Katie. She's staying with my family back in Doncaster for a year and studying there. Not to mention she is really pretty-blonde hair, blue eyes, almost looks like she could be related. Amazing personality. She is the works."

"Whoa." Zayn whispers.

"Where's she from?" Liam asks.


"You like her don't you?!"

"Not like that."

"She sat on his bum on New Years Eve and pretended it was a misshapen couch cushion." Harry says, "Oh, and he didn't comment on it all. He obviously liked it."

The other three laugh at that.

After rehersals I walk into my flat and my phone starts vibrating. It's Katie.

"Hello." I answer.

"Louis, I can't lose him!" she says crying.


"Tyler." Her oldest brother.

"What happened?!"

"H-he got in a car crash and w-was seriously injured! a lot of internal injuries. He's b-been put in a coma. My parents are so scared. My other brother and sisters are scared. I'm scared!"

"Sh, it'll be okay."

"No it won't! He could die and I won't be there! I feel like it's all my fault! I left Texas and he got seriously hurt!"

"Kaitlym, it's not your fault. How did it happen?"

"Well, the driver of the first vehicle that hit him was really drunk-"

"So that makes it his fault then."

"I guess so, but I still feel terrible."

"Of course you feel terrible, he's your brother."

"You're not helping me, Louis!'


"What did I say about calling me Kat?!" She sounds mad, but the crying's stopped though. Good.

"I know you told me not to call you Kat, but I couldn't help myself. Besides, I knew it'd get you to stop crying."

"You're smarter than you let on."

"I know I am."

"Let's not get cocky!" I can almost hear her roll her eyes as she says it.

After talking to her for half an hour, she seems to be feeling a lot better.

"Louis, I hope you know that you're my best friend." she says.

"What happened to-" I start.

"Okay, you're my best guy friend."

It's nice that she trusts me enough to talk to me about this. But at the same time, she just friend-zoned me! That hurts a little. But it is nice that I was her first choice to call when she could've called anybody.

"Kaitlyn! Fizzy and I are taking you out for retail therapy!" I hear Lottie yell at her.

"Okay!" she yells back.

"You have to go, huh?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Can I call you later if I need someone to talk to?"

"You can call me in the middle of the night if you need to."

"Thanks, Louis! Bye!"

"Bye." I hang up and toss my phone onto the couch.

I lay down face-first on the couch and sigh. I know when I see her next-I'm sure I will someday-she'll probably hit me for calling me Kat. I'll deserve it, so I'll take it gladly.



This was just a filler chapter.

Anyhow, the rest of the band is here now! Yay! 

The rest of the story is going to be between wherever Louis is and Doncaster. Just for a heads up. Not sure how many chapters there is left. I've been debating writing a sequel, but I'm not sure. Tell me what you think!





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