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*Kaitlyn's POV*


"Kaitylyn! Charlotte! Get your bums down here if you want breakfast!" my host mother Jay yells at the two of us.

"Coming mum!" we both yell. She insists that I call her mum, as I'm essentially her daughter for the year. I've also picked up a bit of a British accent since September.

'"About time you two got down here." my second oldest host sister, Fizzy, says. Yes, my host family are the Tomlinsons. I only know my sisters though.

"Altright ladies, Louis's coming home tonight for Christmas." mum tells us, "I would say behave yourselves, but he won't care. In fact, he'll be the most ubehaved."

"That he will." Lottie and Fizzy mutter under their breath. I bite my lip to keep myself from giggling. Mum either didn't hear them or is ignoring what they said, since it is true.

"Okay you three, upstairs, brush your teeth." she tells Fizzy and the twins who are done with their breakfast, "And you two, eat up."

"Okay." the bot h of us say and continue eating our cereal.

"Are you excited to actually meet Louis?" Lottie whispers to me.

"Super excited!" I whisper back.

"'Course you are." she winks at me. She knows I'm a directioner, and that I have a huge crush on her brother. Pathetic, I know.

"But, what if he doesn't like me?"

"Nonsense, he'll love you!"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive!" both her and mum say.

"Katie, my brother is one of those people that gets along with pretty much everyone, and if you haven't noticed, you're like that too." Lottie points out.

"Just another way we're alike!" I joke. Both of us have blonde hair and blue eyes, not to mention we're the same age. Some of our classmates have asked if we're not sisters.

"Mum, are you sure she isn't actually my sister?'

"Positive, besides if she was that'd make her Lou's sister as well. Be awkward having a crush on your actual brother." she says and winks at me. Lottie starts laughing while my face goes bright red, making her laugh even harder.

"What's so funny?' Daisy asks.

"Your sister being herself." mum says and Fizzy rolls her eyes at that.

"Not to mention mum was embarassing Katie!" Lottie adds.

"Explains why she's all red in the face." Phoebe says.

"Like a tomato!" Daisy adds, making the rest of us laugh.

"You two, brush you teeth" mum tells us.

"'Kay mum." we bothsay and head up to the bathroom.

 "I just thought of something." I say as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"What's that?" Lottie asks.

"Where's Lou going to sleep? I mean, I'm in his old room."

"Don't worry, I'm sure mm has something figured out."

"Even if he has to sleep on the couch?'


"He'll live."

"Cheeky one aren't we?"

I shrug in reply and brush my teeth.

"Like I said." she grins and brushes her teeth. I roll my eyes at her.

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