Tour Happenings

258 6 2

Late March

*Louis' POV*

"We love you Dublin!" Niall yells before we run off stage when the concert's over. All of us high from the adrenaline of performing.

"Alright Lou, what's on your mind?" Liam asks me the second we're backstage.

"Nothing." I say as innocently as I can.

"Right." the other four say, not buying my lie.

"Who, or what, is it?" Zayn asks.

"I don't have anyone, or anything on my mind!"

"Is it Katie?" Harry asks, a knowing smirk on his face.


 "She totally is."

"Honestly, she's on my mind half the time as of lately."

"When's she head back to Texas?" Niall asks me.

"The 18th of June I think."

"Perfect!" him and Liam say. I swear they're sometimes worse than the twins.


"We'll be in Texas shortly after that, do something for her!" Liam says.

"How? I only know the town that she lives in."

"It's obvious isn't it?!" Harry says.

"It is?"

"Yeah! Stalk her Facebook and twitter or ask one of her friends where she lives exactly."

"There's two problems with asking one of her friends. One, they'd tell her something. Two, they'd probably have a fangirl attack and scream in my ear the second they realize that it's me."

"You're right. Hmm."

"Have Lottie or Fizzy ask her! They can pretend that they're going to visit her over the summer!" Niall nearly yells.

"First of all, settle down, blondie. Second of all, you are a genius!" I tell him.

"I know."

I roll my eyes at him. Not just him, all four of them can be so cocky at times. All five of us can actually.

I hear a pounding on the hotel room door that I share with Zayn, followed by yelling.

"Louis! Louis! Open up!" the oh-so familiar Bradford accent yells at me.

"Why couldn't you open the door yourself, Zayn?" I ask him.

"Because I accidentally locked myself out."

"You're an idiot, Malik."

"And you're a loser, Tommo."

I open my mouth to say something, but then shut it. Deciding it'd be better not to say anything, he'll make me regret saying it later.



And so, Louis' plans begin!

What do you think he's going to do for Katie?

I already know, I wrote the final chapter ages ago.

"That was ages ago!" Harry, AAoOD 2

Yes, I have watched the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction, both 1 and 2, many times.

Mark, you are a freaking genius! I love you!

Not in that sense!

Ciao, my lovely readers!




And let me Kiss You! 


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