More Unexpected Happy News

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So, I'm sure all of you know that I initiated a contest where I'd be dedicating a chapter to someone. Well, as it is now closed and no one even bothered to guess, this chapter gets dedicated to all of my Directioner friends! I'd dedicate it too myself, but I don't want to sound conceited.

I also would like to answer the question that I asked.

My favorite place I have ever been is... (*drum-roll*) Australia! It's such an amazing country. I also wore on the dresses I bought there to school today.

Anyhow, I would like to say that when I tell you to tell me what I think of a chapter or something, I really do mean it. It honestly feels like I'm talking to a wall! But it's worse because I know you are there. If I'm being too weird or something, please tell me! If you don't like something, please tell me! Any and all comments are gladly accepted! Good and bad. Sometimes I feel like giving up on writing, but then I remember that JK Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers, and now she's one of the most successful writers on Earth and the author of one of my favorite book series! So, I'm just putting that out there. I'm not big on ranting, but when I get going, there's no stopping me.

Also, Minnesota has become the 12th state to legalize gay marriage! I am proud to be a Minnesotan at times like this. I am straight, but I believe that  people should be allowed to marry who they want to marry. Whether it's a man and a woman, two women, or two men. It shouldn't matter! 

CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT PART 2! Sorry, we're in our Civil Rights unit in my history class.

Sorry about all my rambling and ranting. I'm undiagnosed ADD, but I am sure that I do have it.

So, enjoy this chapter of IASD! (That's the title if you didn't figure it out.)


*Katie's POV*

Early March

My phone starts ringing while I'm doing my homework.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Katie, guess what?!" my best friend back in Texas, Megan, yells at me.

"Megan, hi! So, what am I guessing?"

"Guess what I'm doing over spring break?"


"I'm going to England!"

"No way! Where in England?"

"London mostly. But I'm going to get to be in Doncaster for a day!"

"That's awesome! You'll love my host family."

"I know I will. Everyone at school knows who they are."

"I don't doubt. When one member is super famous, I kind of figured that everyone would know. Who's jealous of me?"

"99% of the girls and a few of the boys."

"A few of the boys?"

"Hey, Lottie and Fizzy are gorgeous."

"I figured that out a long time ago."

"I know you did."

"Well whatever. Hey, I have to go. I have a slide show for history that I have to finish and it's aleady ten o'clock here."

"Oh fun."

"It's not the latest I've stayed up doing homework. I once wound up staying up until about midnight writing a research paper for biology."

"Wow. Well, bye!"

"Yeah, bye!" I hang up and go back to working on slide show. Stupid projects. My partner left me to do all the work. Asshole.

I let out a quiet cheer when I finally finish it.

Guess who's going to "accidentally" mention it to her teacher that she did the whole thing?


Of course our teacher just had to pick our partners instead of letting us pick. Of course he paired me up with Aidan Scott because I'm smart and he's not particularly bright.

I quickly change into my pajamas and crawl into bed.

Only a few more weeks until I get to see Megan again! I'm so f***ing excited!


Seriously people, tell me what you think.


I'm not usually an angry person, but this does upset me a bit. 

Anyhow, no rambling or ranting here.





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