Retail Therapy

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*Katie's POV*

"So, who were you talking to on the phone?" Fizzy asks me.

"Louis." I say.

"About your brother?"


"Okay, no more talking about sad things. Girl talk time!" Lottie says eneretically.

"Alright, who do you like?" Fizzy asks.

"I'll spill if you'll spill." Lottie tells her sister.

"Okay. He's a year older than me, his name's Seth Michaels."

"Oh my gosh! His gorgeous hazel eyes and his messy brown hair! I know I'm a year older than him, but he is perfection!"

"I know!"

"So, mie is in my year. His name's James Anders. Something about his blue eyes and his black hair that's always messy but so sexy. Do not get me started on his smile! It's perfection!"

"And his dimples!" I gush.

"Oh my gosh, yes! His dimples! They're just, that boy is perfect! Those dimples make his smile even more attractive. Yeah, he might be kind of quiet, but he's such a sweetheart! Naturally he's dating Selena Thompson, she's such a lucky girl!"

"At least she's really sweet too. Otherwise I'd be here thinking that he should not be dating her!"

"Agreed!" both of them say.

"Alright Katie, your turn." Fizzy adds.

"Thomas Blake." I say.

"Definition of hotness!" Lottie squeals.

"I know! His blond hair and brown eyes, they're so gorgeous. Not to mention his smile, it just lights up a room. Even when I'm mad, he just has to smile and I smile myself."

"Not to mentionn he's so funny!"

The three of us sigh thinking about him.

"Stop in the middle of the path why don't you?" Mackenzie Lind, the biggest bitch in school, says pushing us out of her way.

"Bitch!"Fizzy yells at her.

She turns around, gives us a dirty look, flips her hair over her shoulders, and continues on.

"What's her problem?" I ask.

"Who knows. I mean, she's always been that way since we were little." Lottie says.

"Although she seems to hate us more than anyone else." Fizzy adds.

"Think it's because of who your brother is?" I ask.

"Maybe." they both say.

"We have to go into Hollister!" I shriek noticing the store.

"Yes!" Lottie says grinning.

The three of us walk into the store and one of the male workers swaggers over to us.

"Hello, ladies." he says and winks at me.

"I have a boyfriend." I tell him. Yeah, it's a lie, but he doesn't know that.


"I'm not going to cheat on him."

"I see."

He then starts flirting with Fizzy.

"I'm only 16, just so you know." she says.

"Your point?" he asks her.

"You've gotta be what? 20? 21?"

"23 actually."

"Yeah, that's too old for me."

I pull the both of them to the back of the store away from creeper guy.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Lottie wonders.

"Genius right here!" I say grinning.

"Let's not get cocky, Katie."


"Oh no, he's staring right at us!" Fizzy groans.

"Let's get out of here." I sy and we quickly get out of the store.

"Creeper much?" Lottie asks.

"I'll say." Fizzy and I both agree.

*Lottie's POV*

"What'd you three do? Buy the whole mall?" mum asks us when we walk into the house.

"Not the entire mall." we say innocently.

"Half of it?"

"No, only  like a quarter of it." Katie says.

"Whatever. Well, dinner's almost ready."

"'Kay!" the three of us say.

"Tell the twins that, too."

"How am I goint to fit everything into my suitcase when I go back to Texas?" Katie asks as we head upstairs.

"Good question. If all else fails we can ship it too you." Fizzy suggests.

"That could work. I'd likeit if I didn't have to though."

"Of course you don't want to!" I say.

She rolls her eyes at me and heads into her room. I sweat it's rubbing off on her. Either that or Fizzy and I are a lot more like Louis than we thought we were. Just kidding,  know it's us that are rubbing off on her. Although she was sort of like that to begin with.

"Girls, dinner!" mum yells at us.

Fizzy and I quickly toss our bags into our rooms and head downstairs.

"Katie, I didn't get to ask you earlier, how was your retail therapy?" mum asks her.

"It was good. Worked really well, like it always does!" she says.

"That's good."

"Only problem was the fact that Mackenzie Lind pushed us out of her way." Fizzy says.

"She's always been mean though." I comment.

"Especially to us."


"And then a guy in Hollister hit on us. It was akward!"

"I know! He was like 23!" Katie adds.

"Oh, God." mum says, looking a little disgusted.

"That's how we felt." I say.



Retail Therapy- therapy in the form of shopping. I've had retail therapy quite a few times. It works really well. BEST THING EVER!!!!!

Love you all!! :)





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