Meeting Him

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*Katie's POV*

I watch the four girls hug their brother all at the same time, Louis seems to be enjoying their attention.

I feel a little awkward standing there, and a little nervous. He's so famous and I'm a nobody.

"Hey!" he laughs, "Glad you're happy to see me, but could you give me a little room to breathe?"

"Sorry." the four of them mumble and let go of him.

"And who's this?' he asks when he notices me.

"Well?" mum asks, expecting me to introduce myself.

"Oh, I'm Kaitlyn. But I prefer Katie." I tell him.

"Nice to meet you Katie. I'm Louis, I prefer Louis." he jokes and I crack a smile.

*Louis' POV*

"Oh, I'm Kaitlyn. But I prefer Katie." the girl tells me.

"Nice to meet you Katie. I'm Louis, I prefer Louis." I joke and she cracks a smile.

She has a really pretty smile, it makes her eyes practically disappear they crinkle up that much. I notice that she almost looks like she could be related to me, blue eyes-bright blue actually-and blonde hair. I see a slight resemblance to Lottie.

"Hey Louis, didn't your mum ever tell you that it's considered rude in some cultures to stare at people?" Katie asks me. Cheeky girl.

"I see that you're quite cheeky." I say verbalizing my thoughts.

"I know I am."

"Like I said."

She replies by winking at me.

"Anyhow, dinner is almost ready." mum says.

"Okay." all six of us say and follow her into the kitchen.

"Mum, where's Louis going to sleep?" Phoebe asks.

"Won't I be sleeping in my old room?" I ask.

"That's where Katie is sleeping.' mum tells me.


She never told you?!" Lottie asks me.

"Told me what?"

"Katie's staying here for a year as an exchange student." Fizzy says.

"Oh cool. So Katie, where're you from?"

"Texas." she says.

"Ah, you're American." That's the accent I was detecting, southern American, although British is taking over a bit. A million questions start running through my mind.

"Dinner is ready!' mum announces right when I'm about to ask Katie another question. I'm a bit annoyed until I realize that we're having spaghetti. Noodley delicousness.

I accidentally brush my hand against Katie's. Something made my heart flutter, it cant be her though, right? Well at least you're single Lou.

"Sorry." we both mumble and our gazes meet, locking for a few seconds. Her eyes aren't just brght blue, they are also really pretty.

"Kaitlyn. Lewis." Fizzy says pulling both of us out our little trances by calling us our proper names.

"Someone's in love!" Lottie says in a sing-song voice.

"What on earth are you talking about?!" I ask her.

*Lottie's POV*

"Someone's in love!" I say in a sing-song voice.

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