Chapter 39 - Moments of Love

Começar do início

Just then Karan came in running followed by Rohan.

"HELP!" Karan yelled.

"Even God can't help you today!" Rohan said and ran after him.

Alina and I just laughed at their childish act. They ended up fighting on the couch.

"You fucking ruined my date; now I'm going to ruin your face." Rohan said and started hitting Karan.

"Not the face! Not the face! Not. The. Face!" Karan pleaded but Rohan continued.

Alina and I were still laughing; eventually Rohan's anger cooled down and Karan and him also joined in laughing.


After a messy day we needed some time out; Rohan and I decided to go for a short walk in the garden before we caught up in the wedding functions and everything got really hectic.

We were walking towards our favourite spot when we heard some whispers.

"Shhh..." Rohan said and we walked around the bush where the sound was coming from.

To our utter surprise there sat Layla and Aayush sharing some moments of love.

"My munchkin." Layla said; kissing Aayush's nose.

"My pumpkin." Aayush replied; kissing her forehead.

"My chocolate cookie." Layla continued.

"Cookie?" Rohan looked at me confused.

I just silently laughed - trying really hard not make a sound otherwise the other two would find out that we're 'spying' on them.

Their little food-name calling game continued as Rohan pulled a laughing me away from them.

"How come they are able to spend time like that together and we aren't?" He complained.

I was too busy laughing - loud and hard now. He pulled me over to a bench a few metres away from where Layla and Aayush were.

"This is so unfair." He complained again.

"But- But it... it is cute." I said in between my breaths. It was actually cute.

He just grumbled and sat there beside me as I continued on with my laughing fit.

As I continued to laugh I could feel a slight 'plomp' on my head. Thinking it was Rohan messing around with me and annoying me I hit him on the shoulder.

"Oww! Why do you always do that?" He said, annoyed.

"Why did you tap my head then?" I complained.

"I didn't! I was lying here with my eyes closed." He argued back.



"Prove it then!" I'm a lawyer I need the proof.

"What the -? How do I prove that I was - Oww!" He started but stopped after also being hit by something on the head.

'Plomp' It hit my head again.

"Ow! What is this?" I said.

"It looks like a bud of a flower." He said untangling it out of my hair.

"Where is it coming from?"

"I don't know - let's look around." With that we stood up to solve our second mystery of the night.

First place we headed for was behind the waterfall and who do we find there? Aunty and Uncle; also sharing their moments of love.

"No matter how old you get - You'll always be my Jaya Bachchan." Uncle said to Aunty.

"And you'll always be my Amitabh Bachchan." Aunty said back, while showering themselves with rose petals and throwing the bud away.

Unlike last time with Layla and Aayush, Rohan didn't get annoyed - in fact this time even he couldn't control his laughter. We moved away from there otherwise Aunty and Uncle would have caught us.

"Jaya Bachchan?" Rohan laughed.

"Amitabh Bachchan?" I laughed with him.

We went into the lounge of the hotel and sat on the couch - still laughing really hard.


Even at this age Aunty and Uncle's love was stronger than mine and Ria's. But this could be also due to the fact that they can openly romance each other without being interrupted by others like, Karan and Alina interrupted Ria and me during dinner today.

Ria and I continued to laugh like people who have run away from a mental asylum. Some staff had to come to calm us down - but instead got tired of us and pushed us out of the hotel so that we wouldn't annoy the other guests.

"Oh God." Ria whined, "My tummy is so sore."

"So is mine!" I complied.

"Ok, Ok, let's... stop now." She held my waist to gain balance.

"How... How do... you stop laughing?" I laughed even harder.

"Shhh!" She quietened me down. I calmed down a bit.

"Take deep breaths." She said.

After calming down we went for another short stroll - it was nearly midnight now, but I just wanted to spend some more time with her before I dropped her back to her room.

As we walked through the light fog we could see another figure coming towards us. It was scary at first but as it got closer we realised it was only Alina and Karan.

They were walking hand in hand and eyes in eyes - literally.

My smile widened even more - this was the limit - love was everywhere tonight. "I've had enough of today." I said and laughed.

"Why?" Karan asked as he came along and noticed us.

"It's a long story." Ria said. "Alina lets go - you don't want baggy, dark circles around your eyes on the day of your wedding."

"Yeah! I want to look perfect on my wedding day." Innocent Alina said.

"You always look perfect babe." Karan said and leaded to kiss her.

But before they could kiss I pulled Karan away and Ria pulled Alina away.

"This is the price you pay for ruining our dinner date!" I said said as we pulled Karan and Alina away to our rooms. 


A/N: Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in ages, but here it is! When I wrote this chapter I was actually really proud of it, and then I went through it just before updating it here and I find it really cliched. I don't know, you guys tell me. So like always, if you liked this chapter then don't forget to vote, comment and spread the word <3

XOXO Yashriii

Done Done LondonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora