Chater 17 - Food and Being Outside

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Louis ' POV :

Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday which means that soon starts the weekend when I'm loving a lot  . Maybe gonna meeting some friends like first ex - girlfriend . My first ex - girlfriend names Hannah Walker . Hannah has blonde hair and blue eyes . Hannah was nice a lot to me and she was an great kisser . Hannah was give me my first kiss , I was 15 years old then and Lottie my sister was 10 years old then . Hannah is the same age as me , we was going in the same school . The school was called Hall Cross and it's here in Doncaster . Doncaster are not a big city and it's not so big like Bradford are . Bradford are bigger than Doncaster . Everyday my mom Jay used to driving me and it was take 20 minutes from the house I'm now in ( my childhood house ) to Hall Cross School . Hall Cross is a High - School . I was going in a cholage to here in Doncaster . If I was not in 1D I would going in university now or already have a proper / real work , maybe I would work in a daycare / phreeschool because I love kids / children  a lot .

I was always singing in the car on the way to school and my mom was say to me that I have an amezing singing voice . I was singing at home to and I was have mini / small shows at home . My sisters and my mom was come then and they was watching it . I was eat lunch there everyday when I was not feeling sick and the lunch was most things like Pasta . I love Pasta a lot and have always loving it . Pasta comes from Italy and Italy are country in Europe . I'm living in Europe . Ireland , Croatia , Ukraine , Sweden , Norway , Poland and Germany and many more countries are in Europe . Sometimes it was pizza and it was yummy . I love pizza to and my mom's lasange a lot .

In UK / England people are wearing an uniform for school , boys are having ties in the school colours , pants which is beige , shoes ( sneakers and boots ) and a shirt which is white and it had an pocket on the chest . The Girls are wearing a skirt which is grey , a shirt which is red like a Rose can being , shoes ( same as for us boys )  , socks which is dark blue and a tie which is red and black , it was striped one . The school colours are Red and Black . Black like the night can loooking like . The girls was have a hairband to . They couldn't have tattoos , earrings and piercings , boys to .

I was choosing Drama Club / Class and Hannah too , one of the musical we did was Grease which is a movie . I love the songs from Grease . I was playing Danny and Hannah was playing Sandy . Stan was choosing to being with the basketball team .

Back to reality ; I'm waking up and I'm cheeking the clock on my phone . The clock is 9 on the morning and if it was school now , I would have come late . The classes is school was starting like 8 on the morning and on Wednesdays our first class was Gym - Class .

I loved Gym - Class a lot and it was fun , I played football there . On the Fridays I was treaning football and it was fun for me . Stan was to there and other friends like Jamie . Jamie are Hannah's older brother and Jamie looks a lot like Hannah . I had many friends in school . I was a lot with Stan and he was going in my class .

Stan was have a locker next to mine , I'm still remembering it . My locker had the number of date I'm born which is 24 12 1991 . Stan was my lunch buddy and Hannah too . The lockers was red and black . Back to the realty / back to now ; I'm going carefully out from the bed before I'm waking up Harry and then Harry gonna cry .
Don't want him to being upset now . Upset are like sadness , you can useing the both words when you're saying it exempel Harry are upset today .

I'm going to the loo ( bathroom ) to doing a thing and later I'm flushing the toilet . After the thing I have done in the bathroom , I'm brushing my teeth with my Colgate toothpaste . The toothpaste flavor are mint and i like girls who's smelling like mint . Mint smeels very fresh and it has an nice smell . Mint can to being a smell on a chewing gum . I love chewing gum and love to popping the bubbles of the chewing gum .

Adopt Harry ( Zianourry Book 1 )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora