13 ~ a surprise

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POV: Troye (A/N; it'll be Troye for a long time now so I won't mention it until it changes ok? ok)

Dan is picking me up from the airport and as soon as I land I get a text from him saying he's on his way and he'll meet me in the parking lot.

After picking up my suitcase I feel pretty confident. Independant, free, fresh. This feels like the right choice.

Immediately when I walk into the parking lot I see Dan. Because he is, well, a giant. I walk up to him and I feel a little awkward since we're not that close but soon he pulls me into a hug and makes me feel comfortable. "Here, I'll help you with your luggage." he says and I thankfully hand my suitcase over to him and sit in the front seat.

He soon joins me in the car and starts it up. "Soo, Phil told me what happened... Are you okay?" he asks me with a concerned face. "Yes. Well, I guess I am now. I try not to think about it too much so I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind." I reply. "Oh yeah sure, that's fine, I get it." he responds. An awkward silence follows.

After a while in the car he breaks the silence. "Have you met Connor before?" "Wait who, Connor Franta?" I respond, confused. "Yeah Connor Franta, Phil told you right?" he replies. "No what about him?" "Well he is staying at our place too, he had to go to the UK for some work stuff and we thought we'd film some videos too and he could stay at ours." he explains. I'm kind of startled by this... I do know Connor from his YouTube channel and he seems like a nice guy so I guess I am okay with it, but it obviously comes as a surprise. We both let the topic go for now.

After about another 15 minutes of comfortable silence we reach Dan and Phil's appartment. We go inside and I'm immediately pulled into a tight hug by Phil, he's so nice. He asks me if I'm okay and we talk for a while and he's just like he is online. After a while Connor comes into the room. "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Connor." he says, smiling. "Yeah, I know" I smile back and I tell him my name and I give him a short hug. He smells nice.

"So should I help you with your suitcase Troye?" he asks me. "Yeah sure, thanks" I nod awkwardly. "Where is his room Dan?" he asks. "Oh uhm, well... We kinda only have two rooms? I stay in Phil's room most of the time anyways hehe so our guests mostly stay in my room but are you guys okay with sleeping in my bed together?"

"Yeah I mean we're okay with that, right Troye?" Connor asks me. I mumble a quiet "yeah okay" and Connor picks up my suitcase and takes it to Dan's bedroom.

This will be fun.

A/N; heeey it's me again! were you expecting me so soon? idk it has just become a routine to write now so I think I'll keep updating a lot bc I really really like it :)

so what are your thoughts on this chapter? let me know!

also I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for anyone who supports this story by reading and maybe commenting bc the views keep increasing like crazy?? like I just passed 700?? it's insane and it makes me really really happy so thank you

one last thing; at what time do you want me to update? now I'm updating at around 11 AM for me (that's 10 AM GMT) but idk do you want me to update later in the day?

Mylou xx

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