1 ~ playing video games

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we play video games

"Troye" my mom Laurelle called from downstairs "they're here!"

I sigh as I put the game on pause. My mom told me earlier that her friends and their son were coming over and I was kind of excited for it but I just didn't want to leave my game of Super Smash. I guess I'll finish it later on.

I went downstairs to see a woman, a man and a boy a little bit older than me in our living room. I sat down next to the boy when I finished greeting his parents.

"Hi, my name's Troye" I said, "What's yours?". "Mine's Adam" he said. Silence followed. "Do you... maybe want to play some video games?" I suggested, eager to go on with playing Super Smash. "Yeah I guess that'd be okay" he said, and we went upstairs to my room.

"What are we playing?" Adam asked me. "Super Smash Bros Brawl, do you know it?" I replied. "Nope, sounds cool though!"

And cool it was. Hours passed until it was time for him to go home. "This was a lot of fun, maybe we can play video games together again sometime soon." I said. "Yeah, that'd be great" he responded with a grin on his face. And then he left with his parents as I felt that this was the beginning of a very special friendship.

A/N; this is super super short and I'm sorry but I just really want to update really frequently because I don't want to spent too much time on them being friends.And btw, I actually love Super Smash SO MUCH. Do you guys know it? And what are your thoughts on this chapter? Let me know :)

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