Episode 27: uncovered part 2

Start from the beginning

-January 15th, 7:57 PM.-

"Amy, Dr. Drey is here!" Anne shouted while she opened the front door.
The door opened and a cute, handsome man in a suit was standing there with flowers in one hand. "Please call me Chriss." He said while he smiled at Anne.
Dr. Drey walked into the apartment. He looked around.
"Please, excuse the mess." Anne said. "We're very busy here with moving things out."
Dr. Drey nodded. "So where's Amy?" He asked, not sure.
"Here i am." A voice from the other side of the room said.
Amy appeared and walked towards Dr. Drey. Anne turned around and walked into the kitchen.
"Wow, Amy. You look beautiful." He said. While he gave her the flowers he was holding.
Amy smiled. "Thanks. And you look... handsome."
"Shall we go?" He asked.

[end of flashback scene]

He kissed me on our first and last date. After the kiss i knew that i had to keep going, going forward. And to enjoy every moment of life. To embrace my life a little bit more. To hold on and to never give up on hope. I'm hoping. I'm hoping for a better future. A better future for me and my kids. And even Ricky. To just forgive people and to hold on to them. To embrace them. Even though i may have a dangerous conditon, i'm happier than i've ever been in my whole life at this very moment. Once i was so afraid what people might think of me. I was so scared of how they saw me. I knew that they saw me as a slut or the stupid-girl-who-got-pregnant. And i cared that they had these thoughts about me, without even knowing the real me! But then i decided to let go of it. I let go of the negativity and i accepted myself and my life and i didn't care anymore.
I was even proud to be the stupid-girl-who-got-pregnant. And now, i know that i'm worth it. That i have a reason to be here. I know that a lot of people might think wrong of me. But i know who i really am. And who i want to be in life. This week made me realize, that i was already in a happy place but i just didn't realize it, until now.
And i will embrace the fact that i had to have this amazing first date with Chriss. But he's not the one. He was just someone reminding me that i am happy. And that i have to take things slowly. For the first time in a long time i can .... I can... I can say that i feel good enough. Good enough to be here.'

Amy closed her diary. She was sitting on her bed in her room.
She looked around. The room was empty. Her mom was moving things out of the apartment. Everything looked so empty. The only thing that was in the room, was the bed were she was sitting on.
She stood up and hid her diary in her suitcase.
She heard loud noises coming from the kitchen. She walked out of her room towards her kitchen.
"O, hi Amy. I didn't realize you were awake?"
Amy nodded. "I am awake. For a while now. I couldn't sleep. I've been thinking."
Anne looked wondered while she wrote 'sharp objects' on a box. "What were you thinking about?" She asked.
Amy bit her lip. "I don't know... The future basically. But also my condition. I'm trying to look forward and to make myself comfortable. But i don't really know how to pretend that i'm healthy and that the baby is healthy?"
Anne walked towards her daughter and squeezed her arm. "You don't need to worry Amy. This condition is not dangerous. Remember what the doctor said? You have to remain calm and to have bed rest. So i suggest you to get back to bed. Rest Amy! We're going to have pretty busy days ahead of us."
Amy nodded. "You're right mom. I'm heading back to bed."

Amy didn't understand where all of this insecurity came from? Not even 10 minutes ago she was writing how happy she was and how she was going to be alright. Was she lying to herself? Was she writing these things down in her diary just to keep herself calm? And to keep herself from falling apart? She knew that she had to stay in bed and not to worry. But she just couldn't. Knowing that she was going to move back to California in 2 days made her nervous. She hadn't seen Ricky in a long time. She didn't know how to act around him. Amy just wished that things were not complicated in her life. But they were, and they would get more complicated by the minute.

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