Final Author's Note and Dedication

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So... my "little" story has found an end (?). I hope that you, the people who have taken their time to pay attention to the story, have enjoyed it. Thank you for noticing.

A special thanks goes to the three people this fanfiction was dedicated to. I hope it wasn't THAT bad for you. xD

I don't want to mention their names because they know who they are *Twink* but I want to tell them something I am not able to tell them with my mouth.

So here it goes:
Mates, you know what kind of person I am; I am insane, complicated and even annoying. There are so many things which make me think that I am not worth living. I hope that you know why. But your stories and your silly jokes make me laugh and happy. You (and of course the other two guys from our little entourage) are the people who transformed my personal hell into a more likable place.

Thank you for everything. I will never be able to repay you.

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