Chapter Seventeen

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Winston Churchill once said that there will be a moment in everyone's life when we will be offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to us and fitted into our talents. Hank quoted this one the first day on which I have arrived here as he showed me and Rachel around the mansion. Who could have thought that this quote will help me to decide over a life changing question? Destiny has a complicated plan, obviously.

After hours of thinking about my young life, I decided not to keep my opinions and desires hidden anymore. The X-Men and I were never meant to be friends because they are still blind and I am not. Destiny wants me to fight against this, so I need to do what I always wanted, join the Brotherhood of Mutants. This is exactly what I'm going do this morning before everyone is awake.

I packed my few clothes and other belongings in my backpack and put my fancy suit on. I also wrote a long and pretty emotional letter to Rachel, Sorina and Lena in which I say goodbye and explain why I had to leave. Of course, I have also written a letter to Hank, my favourite person here. Charles will most likely be angry with him for not stopping me somehow but this is, as cold hearted as it sounds, not my problem anymore. From now on, I will only care about me and my priority right now is to find Magneto. I cannot ask anyone, not even Hank, because it would be odd, so there's only one opportunity; Cerebro. If I could manipulate minds I'd force Charles or Jean to find him for me but unfortunately, I can't so I have to try it myself. Using Cerebro can be dangerous and I might not be strong enough but it's worth a try. That's why I am standing in front of its door at the moment.

Of course, they are closed and massive but no problem for a telekinetic like me. I concentrate on the chrome doors and they start rumbling but don't open. I get closer to the doors until I am standing only a few centimetres away from it and concentrate further. My green glowing eyes are reflected in the trembling chrome doors as I clap my hands on them. "Come on!", I mumble to myself before the doors crack open. "Parfait.*" I grin and enter the huge ball shaped room, or rather hall. Charles has shown us Cerebro before and has even demonstrated us how it works. Unfortunately, he did not explain how to use it. I suppose that you just put that silly helmet on your head, push every button on the board and concentrate on the person you want to find, so this is what I do. Hopefully, this is how you turn it on.

I slowly put the chrome helmet onto my head and push the three buttons. The displays on the board in front of me start moving so I suppose that Cerebro is reacting. Working well so far. I close my eyes and try to imagine Magneto's face in front of my inner eye and concentrate on it. Some kind of energy is shooting from my head down my spine into my whole body. My mind starts racing and I can feel so many thoughts entering my mind at once. Thousands, millions of thoughts and voices are entering my brain. It starts hurting like someone has just hit your head with a baseball bat hard and I feel like falling into infinity what makes finding Magneto harder. I grab the board with my both hands to stop me from falling to the ground and concentrate on Magneto. I don't know if I can survive it any longer.

I take deep slow breaths to calm myself and open my eyes slowly. I see Magneto sleeping in his bed in front of me and see the image of an old abandoned factory and the words 'Worrington Labs, New York City'. Quickly and out of breath, I rip the helmet off and the images and thoughts in my mind disappear. Did I track him? Let's hope so because the pain has almost ripped my head apart. So far, my plan is going well and I need to find out how to get to New York. Walking or flying are my only opportunities.

As long as I can finally get out of these halls, which I used to call my home, fast possible I am happy.

I put the helmet back on the board where it was and leave Cerebro and the basement shaking. I don't care if they see that I have just used their precious mutant detecting device because it was necessary and actually they should also be happy the psycho murderer they all despise is finally gone. Every student will live in safety now, as Wolverine would say.

With my backpack on, I fly outside of the mansion, trying not to wake anyone up. To my surprise, it's not hard to open the entrance door and leave the mansion forever. So many memories are connected to these halls and they will never leave them. I don't feel sorry for leaving them behind because there is a bigger cause waiting and it's way more important for me and mutantity. Sacrifices always have to be made.

The gate is still screeching like the first time I touched it. I slip through them and look back one last time. I smile at the picturesque image of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and take off to the forest which surrounds it.

Actually, I have no idea where to head to reach the town but I have plenty of time to find out. It's just six and the sun has just risen so the day is young. I follow the street which guides me deeper into the forest. Every step I take further from the mansion makes me feel better. My head still hurts terribly from using Cerebro but I try to ignore it. It will pass for sure.

Magneto must be proud of me when he sees me standing at his porch. He will most likely welcome me with open arms and Callisto will be pissed. She never liked me. Unfortunately, I haven't met the other members of the Brotherhood yet. They were with us on the prison break missions but I haven't really seen them because I was busy with my team. I only heard terrible stories about them and their dumbness and of course, the X-Men have told us these stories.

The leaves rumbling in the forest, which I have entered by now, is once again the only sound you hear. Meanwhile, you also hear some birds too but none are visible. It's just a lonely street surrounded by trees and I am the only living being around, alone with my thoughts.

The peaceful forest is enchanting in the morning but something lies in the air as well, something strange and unusual. I keep on walking at my usual fast pace. The deeper I get into the forest, the clearer the strange feeling gets. Please don't tell me that the Friends of Humanity pricks are here again. I highly doubt it but I got the feeling that there must be human beings because otherwise I could not sense it. I lift myself up and continue my way flying over the treetops.

I finally see what caused this strange feeling as I am hovering over the tree tops. It's a helicopter but not a human one. I can spot Magneto and Callisto sitting in it already waiting for me with an open door so they somehow got my message. I smirk and fly towards the helicopter. I fly in fast and grab a seat. "Good to see you. I hope you contacted us for the reason I am thinking of.", Magneto says giving me a look full of high expectations.

"I am here to fulfil my destiny... I am a goddess among insects and I am here to take this position."

Wrath and Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें