Chapter Twenty One

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Magneto did not wake up since we returned. Sabretooth has carried him to his room, which is far fancier as mine or any other room here, and Toad has checked if he's still alive. Toad is no doctor but he has caught up some basic medical knowledge and since the he's playing the doctor for the Brotherhood members, who actually don't need medical assistance because they all, except for Pyro and Magneto, heal automatically. Toad has also checked the burn injury I got from Lena's energy blast. He said that it will heal if I just keep it cool and don't play with the skin. I am not sure if I can believe him and I should follow his instructions but I do it anyways. A little mark, well the mark reaches from my neck almost until my elbow so it's actually quite big, won't mean my death. I don't think that Lena can create new viruses. At least, I hope so.
At the moment, I am sitting in my cold room and play with the little Omega Magneto gave me. I changed into casual clothes and put my suit and glasses, which were somehow damaged, aside. I don't remember when this happened but the right glass has a small rip now and I cannot fix it. Maybe Toad can since he seems to be quite handy. It's not like I cannot see without them but I prefer wearing them because they became my trademark. I look innocent and normal with them but after today this description only fits my outward appearance. I am a criminal from now on and I am sure that the authorities want me in prison now. A lot of people fear the nerd with the glasses and Rapunzel hair now but it doesn't bother me. I see fear as some kind of respect and this is what I deserve. I was abused for who I am my whole life and now it's my time to take my revenge for this. I want all the humans to fear me and to see the monster they have created. Rachel asked me what has happened to my old self and I told her that I developed. Actually, I only stopped lying to myself. I like getting my own back, even if this means that people must die. The Professor must have known this and that's why he tutored me personally. He saw my true intentions before I saw them but he could not safe me from letting this blood thirsty side take over control.

My gaze wanders to the two guns which I stole from the X-Men's Blackbird. Cyclops is most likely going to kill Hank after he recovered from the injuries I caused him because it's theoretically his fault. The guns were designed by Hank. He told me everything about them while he told me the story of his jet. Hank got his inspiration from a friend, he said, a friend who could create psionic blasts out of cosmic energy and Hank used this concept on the guns which shoot some new kind of laser. Of course, Hank was smart and he also installed a fingerprint scanner on them so that they could only be used by the teachers body of our school in battle if necessary but one day he made a mistake. I was asking about them and Hank demonstrated me how they work. I was so fascinated that I asked to shoot with one of them and he said yes so he registered my fingerprint in the system which allowed me to use all the weapons he had in his lab. He told me that he will delete them later (I thought that he did) but he has forgotten about it as it seems what was a fatal mistake. For me it's good because these weapons will be useful again one day but the X-Men, especially Hank, must feel screwed. I know that they have more tricks, though.

This room here reminds me of a room in a hospital. There is nothing to do but looking at the ceiling, the ground, the walls or out of the window. There is not even a sound. Everything is silent. I wonder what is going on and what my new mates are doing. I only know them since a few hours, and they still reject me in some way, but I have the feeling that I know them all for a longer time. They are all individuals with different abilities and a different story but they think alike and this is the core of a brotherhood, isn't it? I have scanned their minds while we were on the way back and I saw different aspects of their characters and their past. I couldn't reach Lady Deathstrike's mind for some reason, most likely a mental block, but I can ask her about her person later. Or now. There is nothing to do anyways, so I rise from the bed and walk out of the room. Sabretooth is already standing at my door. "Oh," ,he says, "There is something you should see. Come." He turns around and walks down the corridor. I follow him quietly.

Sabretooth leads me to some kind of living room. It is small and has only two big design sofas and a wide flat screen. It looks very modern because everything is silver and white; even the floor is covered in shining metal. Magneto has built a fancy home with his powers. "Look at this." Sabretooth says and points at the TV, which shows the breaking news. The rest of the Brotherhood is sitting in front of it and is watching it with happiness because we, or more specific me, are the topic. There is some kind of science guy called Larry Trask talking and they show images of me with green glowing eyes and controlling the guns.

"We don't have much information on her yet but she has been rated as a major threat already because she displays a wide range of power." Larry Trask explains. He sits there casually and gives an interview about me. Only two hours after I committed my first murder in public, I became famous. How enchanting. "So far, we only know that she is a young telekinetic, right? There is no name or backstory yet?" the anchor man wants to know.
"Unfortunately not. She does not have any criminal record or is registered in any mutant programme. Our only hope now is contacting the Xavier institute for further information but we weren't able to get in touch yet."
"A lot of people think that she is a relative of Magneto. Is this true?"
"We don't know. We have knowledge of Magneto's family but she never appeared in any records. They could be distant relatives what would explain why she suddenly showed up in his Brotherhood. They are also on the same level of cruelty and brutality but we are not sure if this theory is true. As already said, we don't know anything about her except her powers but we are not even sure about their range so far."
"The girl displayed a great desire for blood and chaos. Should America fear her the most now?"
"I wouldn't say so because our country has also good mutants and they have mastered every challenge so far so I conclude that defeating a little teenager won't be difficult for them."
"What will our authorities do against her and the other members of the Brotherhood of Mutants?"
"We will do our best to find them and to defeat them. Our best teams are currently on their track." Sabretooth starts laughing hysterically and everyone turns to him. "They are so silly. 'Best' teams... Ha!" Sabretooth walks out of the room. I turn back to the TV which shows me and Magneto having Donovan Zane between us. The interview continues.
"It's shocking that the mutant youth can get brainwashed like this. Charles Xavier has proved that he has his students under control and that he helps them become normal citizens but unfortunately he cannot take every teenager in America under his tutelage and teach them. Some become like the young telekinetic and cause chaos. We have to live with this." I sigh because of his blindness. Xavier doesn't give you the guarantee to become a hero for the humans. At least, I was mentioned in the news and the world started fearing me.

"You are on every channel." Pyro informs me, "You've impressed them all and that's good."
"I did what was needed." I turn around ready to leave but Pyro stops me. "Why don't you sit with us and celebrate your first success? We'd also like to know more about you." He points to the empty spot on the sofa next to him. "Why not?", I mumble and sit down next to him with my legs crossed and a smirk on my face. I try to maintain my badass image with that pose. "What do you want to know about me, huh?" They all exchange a look while my eyes wander to the TV again.
"Are you related to Magneto?", Pyro asks first with a grin on his face.
"Not that I know of. We are just good acquaintances."
"Seriously? Magneto is your biggest fan. I thought that he must know you a little longer and that you are his granddaughter or something."
"I thought so, too." Lady Deathstrike adds.
"We are not related. Magneto and I met in a mall and there I helped him escape with some of these collars. That's it." Pyro nods in understanding.
"And then you joined us?"
"No. I stayed at Xavier's for some time before I came here. Remember? I had an X-Men logo on my coat."
"Leaving the X-Men... I am sure that Jimmy is pissed." Sabretooth growls leaning at the doorframe with a beer in his hand.
"Which Jimmy?" I want to know but he only laughs and leaves again. Callisto rolls her eyes.
"You better don't ask." she says and disappears as well, following Sabretooth.

I sense that Sabretooth and Callisto are laughing inside. They still have something against me.
"What do you guys have against me? Is it my looks? What is it?" Everyone looks at me in surprise. I could easily slip into their minds and find it out but I want to hear it out of their mouths.
"Nothing. We like you.", Pyro tries to explain.
"Really? That's why you have thoughts like 'silly child' and 'she is not better than me'. They don't sound positive to me. So tell me? What is it that makes you despise me?" Pyro looks at me with big eyes. "Can you read minds?" he asks and I nod in response.
"Magneto brought us a telepath. How great. He has a real thing for mutants like you."
I smirk and turn my gaze to the TV. "I kind of noticed. But I cannot manipulate your minds so there is no need to worry. I am not Xavier."
"We are not afraid of you. Even if you are one of the strongest mutants here. But do you know what? I like you now." Pyro gives me a wide smile.
"I like you, too. You were great today." Toad agrees and points to the television which shows how I killed Zane earlier today. Lady Deathstrike remains silent but smiles at me so I assume that she agrees to her two colleagues. I am happy about this because killing this FoH prick has also earned me new friends as it seems and not just fame.


The evening is not so calm and silent anymore. Sabretooth started drinking and telling us all stories from his past. Magneto is still unconscious and meanwhile I am starting to worry. I am the only one who is worried. The rest is caught by Sabretooth's stories about the wars he's been in and the women he had. I must admit that they are distractive but sometimes strange. He fought in both world wars, in Korea and in Vietnam. Currently, we're hearing a story about Sabretooth's early days in Vietnam. He seemed to have enjoyed them a lot.

"To make it short. I ripped his head off and then I was on power over my troop." Sabretooth starts laughing at his own story about how he became the leader of his troop a few weeks before he left Vietnam.
"Yes, yes... the old army days. I was also in Vietnam, you know." Toad throws in. You learn a lot about the people here.
"What the hell did you do in the army? And aren't you from England?" Callisto asks in disbelief. I must agree to her. Toad doesn't seem to be much of a soldier.
"I lived in America then and I was in duty for a long time. I was drafted and became part of the mutant squad along with Havok, Ink and the other guy whose name I forgot. Don't you remember? I told you this story already, didn't I?" Toad sips on his beer.
"Havok? If Magneto knew that you were his mate, you wouldn't be here now.", Sabretooth says mockingly.
"Who is Havok?", I ask in a low voice. He doesn't seem to be popular here.
"Magneto's son in law. 'Cause of him, his daughter Polaris isn't a part of the Brotherhood anymore. They fell in love, married and quit with the mutant business. Now, they are living a normal life somewhere. As you can imagine, Magneto was not happy about it... especially with one of Xavier's friends.", Toad explains with a smile on his face. "I miss Polaris. She was a nice girl even if she was too much like her daddy." The others nod in agreement. "Never mention her in front of Magneto, though. He will kill you."
"Seriously? So bad? He should be happy that his daughter found love."
"Yes, but he lost his favourite child to Xavier's cause. I wouldn't be happy about this either. But honestly... I would have forced her to come back. A guy like Havok is not worth to give everything up but a lot of girls have a soft spot for weak guys." Sabretooth takes a big sip of his beer and groans. Callisto starts laughing. "You are still not over Mystique. How cute. Maybe you should move on, too."
"Shut up, Callisto. Mystique can fuck whoever she wants. I tried to ask her out so many times but if she likes it blue and furry, then let her. She could have had me but now it's too late." Sabretooth drowns in his sex phantasies with Mystique while he's sitting next to me, a telepath who can see all these mental images. I try not to show any signs of me seeing them.
"Can we avoid this topic now? We have a minor in our team now.", Callisto throws in and grins at me.
"Don't worry. Next week, she'll turn eighteen and then you can share all your dirty sex fantasies openly." We turn to the door frame and see Magneto standing there. He is still a little pale but okay overall. "So... who wants to update me?" Magneto moves his hands up and a chair rises out of the metal tiles. He sits down cross legged and wraps his cape around him. "I'm listening." The good and open mood from earlier has faded and no one dares to speak. I wonder why because we were successful. "Mission accomplished. The media has gone viral but we could escape smoothly." Magneto nods slowly. "I suppose that we should thank you for this. Am I right, Lady Polyglot?"
"Yep. She got him shot." Pyro replies for me, "And she was even helpful while escaping the X-Men." Magneto nods again and sends me a thought. "Welcome to the Brotherhood. You deserved it."

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