Chapter Six

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Convincing someone was never my strength but this time it worked. Hank has agreed on my idea to change the simple black leather suits for our Danger Room sessions. I decided to help him to turn mine and Rachel's designs for our new suits into reality. Lena and Sorina do not participate in Danger Room sessions yet so they don't have suits. But they have already prepared their designs. Hank and I have spent the whole weekend with sewing them. It was hard to work during the night and our fingers hurt now but I also have to admit that we did a great job.

My new suit is basically a short coat made out of leather like elastic material with short sleeves. The chest and sleeves are light green and the rest is turquoise. We have also added silver highlights on the edges, some small pockets on the inside and of course a small red X-Men logo on the sleeves. Furthermore, we added a grey simple t-shirt, some narrow grey trousers which are made out of the same material as like the coat and perfect fitting dark grey boots with a green edge. It looks perfect but the best feature of my costume are the turquoise lady like gloves.They make it perfect.

"You look like a real X-Man.", Hank says smiling while looking at me wearing my newly crafted suit. I put my black nerdy glasses on and tie up my hair in a ponytail in front of the mirror in my room. "Thanks, Hank. I even feel like one now."

"Now you only need a proper X-Men code name."

I turn to him and give him a bright smile. "I have one.", I put my hands on my hips, striking a superhero pose "I'm Lady Polyglot!", I shout and Hank starts laughing hysterically. "What?" I ask trying to hold my laughter back.

"Why 'lady'?", he asks still laughing.

"Well, Rachel calls me 'Lady Fancypants' because of my oh so British accent. You call me 'Polyglot Prodigy'... so I put those nicknames together and made up 'Lady Polyglot'. Fancy, isn't it?"

Hank starts laughing almost hysterically.

"Yes, it is. You are indeed a lady.", he says calming down.

"Nice of you to think that, darling.", I thank him in my finest British accent what makes him laugh again.

I return to Hank who has calmed down and give him a hug. "Thank you for making this suit for me Hank.", I whisper and he returns my hug.

"It's my pleasure.", he whispers back. I let go and take a seat next to him.

"Did I ever tell you that you're my absolute favourite person in here?"

"No.", he replies smiling. "I thought that your room mates are your favourites."

"Nah, they don't like me that much anymore as like they used to, so I don't neither."

"Why? Did you have a fight?" he seems concerned.

"No, but they have cooled down. When I'm in the room, it's pretty much silent but when I'm gone they are having fun. I think, they are excluding me because I told them once that I actually like Magneto."

"Like?" He gives me a questioning look.

"I find him interesting but the others hate him because they think that he's the devil."

"Well, he is dubious but I think that you should like whoever you want. Unless you don't join his Brotherhood of mutants and kill innocent people because you believe in an upcoming war, everything is all right." Hank puts an arm around my shoulder. "Don't like him too much, okay?", he adds rather whispering.

"Don't worry, I won't."

Hank stands up and goes to the door. "I need to leave. See you later... Lady Polyglot."

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