Chapter Nine

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I was never so aware of being a mutant like now. Fighting for mutant rights is definitely enhancing this feeling. I still feel like an outcast among the X-Men and Brotherhood members who have gathered around in the Professor's study to discuss our newest threat, the aggressive Friends of Humanity organisation which seems to imprison mutants and to suppress their powers.

Everybody is staring at me while we're all waiting for Logan.

"So what's going on, Chuck?", Logan asks as he finally enters the study. He is not quite motivated as it seems. "Good that you're here, Logan. We need to discuss something. Erik has discovered that the Friends of Humanity are threatening us mutants more than we thought. He came here to ask for our help in the mission to stop this.", Charles explains but Logan is visibly not pleased with Magneto's presence. He puts his hands on his hips and shoots Magneto a sceptical look.

"Hunting humans again, huh Maggie?", Logan asks mockingly. Magneto just rolls his eyes at this remark.

"So far, we have checked the information we got about this problem and as it seems that it's true. Hank is examining the collars Magneto has brought us at the moment. So... now we are making plans.", Scott explains further. Logan nods before he sits down next to me. He is not happy to see me as part of this operation as it seems.

"Hey kid, lesson is over. You're not allowed to be here.", Logan says annoyed.

"I am part of this operation, so I am supposed to be here."

"Charles?" Logan turns to the Professor.

"She is telling the truth. Sofia will be a great addition to our team and it will also some kind of field experience.", Charles says calmly. Logan gives him an angry look.

"Err... what did you smoke, bub?"

"We did not smoke anything, Wolverine. We will need her, believe me.", Magneto adds but Logan remains unconvinced.

The others are sceptical, too. I can understand them somehow. I mean, who would like to go on a mission with a simple student? Magneto and the Professor are the only ones who have confidence in me. "So... what are you planning?", Logan asks.

"We wanted to check out the closest prison which is close to D.C. first. If our concerns turn out justified, we will talk to the government while we break every mutant out. Further planning will be done once we are there.", Scott says.

"Okay... when do we leave?", Logan wants to know.

"Two hours. We will use the darkness. So, we all should get ready.", Scott replies.

"Good idea. Let's get ready.", Magneto agrees and we leave the study.

Logan stops me in the hall. "Are you sure you wanna do this, bub? You don't need to if you don't want to."

I turn around and look him deep in the eyes with a Magneto like smirk on my lips. "I am very sure that I want to do that. You don't need to worry about me."

I fly away before he can say something and head to my room.

"Where have you been so long?", Rachel asks as I enter. They are watching their favourite series via streaming on our laptop. "Me? Err...", I close the door and sit down on my bed, "I had to discuss something with Professor X.". Shall I tell them what exactly I had to discuss with him? Rather not. They would only freak out. But on the other hand, they need to know it. Maybe, they want to join.

"Do you want to join us?", Sorina purposes.
"No thanks. I need to take a nap." I lie down and slip under my blanket.

"Then... let's get out.", Sorina suggests and they turn off the laptop and leave. I can sense that they are suspicious.

"What's wrong, Sofia?", Rachel wonders before leaving the room. She is not a telepath but she could always sense when there's something wrong with me and I try to hide it. I take a deep breath and turn to my left side, facing the wall.

"Nothing big.", I whisper.

"Sofia... I know that there's something."

"Okay... call the others back. I need to tell you something." Rachel calls the others back and they re enter.

"So... what is it?", Rachel asks. I sit up leaning on the wall behind me. The others just stand there.

"I'm going out tonight. I was invited to be on a... well... mission." The others raise their eyebrows in surprise. "It won't be dangerous, so you don't have to worry about me. That's why I'm taking a nap now."

"A mission? What kind?" Rachel is rather worried than curious.

"I will kick some FoH butts along with the others."

"And the Professor asked you to go on a mission with the X-Men?"

"Yeah... he sees it as internship and a good addition to the Danger Room sessions." They exchange looks but remain silent.

I rather don't tell them that Magneto is here and it was his idea, actually. It will just creep them out.

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