Chapter Ten

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I am almost unable to describe the situation I am in right now. I am sitting in the blackbird around almost midnight flying to an unknown destination near Washington D.C. with a strange feeling in my belly. Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus as well as Magneto and a woman called Callisto are with me. We are trying to blow off a mutant prison which is most likely filled with tons of weapons and dangerous guys. Nobody got fusses about this operation but me. We are quite close to our destination and I already regret coming with them. How could I have thought that I am a good addition to this team? Magneto will be pissed if he finds out that his 'favourite' of Charles students is actually a coward.

Callisto is sitting opposite of me. She is studying me closely since we entered this plane. I give her occasional smiles but she does not return them. Instead she looks at me in a disgusted manner. Great that she makes me feel like being in my old school again. She is thinking things like 'this kid will die tonight' or 'that costume looks terrible'. How nice of her, but I pretend not to hear her mind practically screaming this. "Why is Erik so impressed by her? Telekinetics exist everywhere. I'd rather have Jean with me than her.", Callisto thinks a little too loud.

"Maybe I am more skilled than you think, my love.", I answer her out loud in a mocking tone. She looks at me confused. "Yes, I can also read your mind so you should save your criticising comments about me for later when you are back home. I hear them all you know.", I continue. I adopted this attitude from Magneto as it seems. "I know. I can sense your powers. I am also not afraid to share my opinions.", she snaps.

"Okay... I just wanted to get this clear, darling. No need to be rude with me."

"I am not your darling. If you piss me off, I am not afraid to kill you. Get me?", she fires back but somehow I am not afraid of her.

"And if you just touch her, I won't be afraid to cut you into two pieces. Get me?", Wolverine shouts back. Callisto just rolls her eyes.

"Ignore her, dear. She did not get enough sleep.", Magneto sends me. I nod agreeing.

My gaze wanders around the jet. I remember as I saw it for the first time when I offered Hank to help him to clean it. I was just a newbie at the school and had still problems with controlling my powers properly. Hank encouraged me to lift up some sponges at will and after some minutes I could do it. I was so happy then. Just an hour later, Hank dared me to lift up the jet but I refused. He convinced me after we finished cleaning it because he gave me a little lecture on self-confidence and the science of telekinesis. I was not able to lift it up at first but since that day, I kept on trying. About two weeks later, I could make it float a meter over the ground. God, how happy I was then. Rachel and I were jumping on my bed because of this. Hank was also very proud of me that day. Since then, we are good friends and he became my number one confident.

I have to smile at this memory. "What is so funny, huh?" Callisto wants to know.

"None of your business...darling ", I say grinning. She takes out a knife but I stop her telekinetically. "Save your wrath for the stupid pricks who are waiting for us.", I exclaim still confident. Magneto starts laughing. "You have spunk. I love this.", he says.

"Thank you. I try my best." I let Callisto go. My qualms have disappeared all of a sudden.

"How long are you at Charles' school?", Magneto asks.

"A little more than a year."

"I see. Do you like it there?"

"Yes, of course. Who doesn't like to be part of a mutant school?" Magneto rolls his eyes at my exclaim.

"Charles did a good job on his students, especially on you. You are one of his best, am I right?"

"I am quite average, actually. There are more skilled ones."

Wrath and Revengeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن