Chapter Thirteen

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Almost every team has returned from their mission in the evening and we have at least thirty new students from all over the world. It was my task to introduce them all to the mansion since I am the only one who speaks all their native languages. Each one of them was asked to tell us what has happened to them in those prisons and what we heard was terrible. It started from letting them starve and abuse them sexually and ended with terrible killings. It was basically a concentration camp. The mutants who have been prisoners in Austria have even told us that severe terrible experiments were performed on them. Hearing all this has enraged us all, especially Hank who had to hear what Raven was going through. He has destroyed the chrome door to his lab with one move. I can relate to his feelings. Who wants to hear that their loved ones had to go through such a torture?

Storm and the rest of our team have still not arrived home but The Professor has assured us that they are all okay. Some others are relaxing in front of the TV now. It is good that no one from the media knows about the events from today yet. My fellow students, of which some are sitting with us in the living room and shared their experiences with the others, too. Summed up, you can say that everyone basically had the same experiences; break in, kick some asses and break the mutants out. Everyone is euphoric and just having a good time. Even our new students, the former prisoners, seem happy even though some are still fighting their trauma.
How much I wish to make the FoH pricks pay for doing this to my fellow mutants. One day we will get our chance of revenge. Hopefully, it will be tomorrow when our elite will try to contact the governments and to talk with them about this matter again.

It is almost nine o'clock in the evening and already dark outside even though it's March. If I'm honest, I'm totally exhausted and my lids became quite heavy but I don't want to go to bed just yet. Raven turned out to be a very nice lady and she wants to get to know every mutant student here better. She even told us some funny stories about The Professor which she remembers from her childhood. It is quite nice to hear about all the conquests the glorious Charles Xavier has made in his wild student time. Of course, Hank has never left her side and the two are holding hands since the second they have met in the hall earlier today. They are a very cute couple, perfect even! It is also good to see that Hank is wearing his marriage ring again. Before, he has only worn it on special occasions like Christmas, Easter and whenever he felt insecure. He always believed that Raven's spirit was captured in it and therefore the ring is some kind of lucky charm. This ring means the world to him that's why he has never worked with it since he could risk a damage. Now, it's just a symbol to show everyone that he is still happily married and not happily widowed. Raven's ring was taken by the FoH pricks but as I can tell, Hank promised to make her a new replica of it. I am so happy for them both.

"Wait, wait... The Professor tried to pick up some chicks with faking an English accent? Seriously? Him?", Josh, alias Elixir, asks with huge eyes.

"Yes! It even worked! Whenever we were travelling around Europe or the States, he played the English and I couldn't sleep at night because... yeah... it was loud.", Raven explains half giggling. We all start laughing because none of us can imagine Charles as womanizer.

"Now, I heard everything. What comes next? Cyclops's secret one night stand with Wolverine?" Josh is still surprised. We all laugh. "I don't think that those two will ever get around, Josh.", Hank throws in. He's got a point. Since we know that Scott and Jean are expecting a child, Logan is even grumpier than before because he hates the fact that Jean loves Scott. It's so cute to know that Logan can develop feelings for someone.

"Are there any more embarrassing stories we should know?", Rachel asks.

"Err...", Raven and Hank look at each other, "I will tell you more Charles stories some other time, okay? It's better if you wouldn't know them all at once."

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